Remove this section from your after completing all setup tasks!
- Click the green "Use this template" button above.
- Name your new repository and create it.
- Replace all the grey placeholder texts with your project-specific information.
- Add any additional relevant Markdown documents to your documentation.
- Configure a publishing source for GitHub Pages.
- Remove this setup section from your
That's it! You are now set up, and your documentation site is live!
Replace this subtitle section with a clear statement defining the mission and goals of your project in a few simple terms.
How It Works | Architecture | How to Install and Run
Replace with a brief, clear explanation of how the codebase works to achieve the stated mission objectives.
Replace with a Brief introduction to the project's high-level architecture. Link to the architecture documentation with a diagram preferably in mermaid syntax. ARCHITECTURE.MD
Replace this with a brief explaination of the main features or functionalities of your project.
Replace with clear, concise instructions on how to install and run the codebase for development, test and production setups. Link to repositories containing deployment templates that automates deployment
Describe how to get a development enviroment up and running
Describe the different deployment methods for the project. Please adhere to the deployment standards recommended by OS2 when describing how to get the project running in production.
Replace with examples demonstrating key functionality, code-snippets such as command-line usage, API calls or if needed screendumps
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