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Aleksei Mikhaltsov edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Create Client

$client = new OtClient($key, $secret, $lang);
  • key (Access Key)
  • secret (Secret for access key)
  • language (2 symbol lang identifier)


Get full OTAPI catalog for supported providers

  • 'otc-46' is optional parameter if you what to get only specified tree.


Start bulk search

$client->getBulkSearchDecoded($parameters, $xmlParameters->getData());


  • framePosition (offset for search, default 0)
  • frameSize (items amount for search, default 1000, max value 10000)


Filter for search

$xmlParameters = new OtXmlParameters();

Otapi category Id for search $xmlParameters->setMinVolume(30); Min amount of sales

Method return answer with activityId for getting result



$activityId form runBulkSearchItems request

return json string with all data If Result IsFinished = FALSE repeat request. Answer is not ready.


$client->getBulkSearch($parameters, $xmlParameters->getData());

This method start bulk search and wait for answer. May take a long time (30 or more seconds).


$client->getBulkSearchDecoded($parameters, $xmlParameters->getData());

This method is similar to getBulkSearch. As answer, you will get JsonMachine object. Then you can use it in loop to parse all items.

$items  = $client->getBulkSearchDecoded($parameters, $xmlParameters->getData());
foreach ($items as $item){
    echo $item['Id'];



627419924025 is itemId parameter.

return full item data for specified ItemId.


Start bulk request for specified item Ids


Array of ItemIds as method parameter

Return activityId for getBulkItemsResult method



$activityId form runBulkSearchItems request

return json string with all data If Result IsFinished = FALSE repeat request. Answer is not ready.



This method start bulk items (runBulkItems) and wait for answer. May take a long time (30 or more seconds).



This method is similar to getBulkItemsAtOnce. As answer, you will get JsonMachine object. Then you can use it in loop to parse all items.

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