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Changes/additions to the Top 10; eg. clarifications, examples, links to external resources, etc
Something that extends the Top 10; eg. cheat-sheets, guides, intentionally-vulnerable apps, etc
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #1
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #2
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #3
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #4
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #5
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #6
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #7
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #8
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #9
Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #10
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Security & Governance Checklist
A topic for v2 discussion
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Indicates a deliberate decision has been made not to fix the issue