HierarchicalTemporalMemory v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- wrapping_hypercube doesn't work yet with CartesianIndices (#2)
- No .= for SparseSynapses (#3)
- Cleanup unused code (#5)
- SparseSynapses for the SP? (#6)
- Compare SP/TM step performance to htm.matlab (#7)
- Efficiently select and modify SparseSynapses (#10)
- Efficient VSpM (CSC) multiplication? Needs CSR? (#12)
- SP overlap with standard linear algebra (#14)
- Factor out SPParams, TMParams into algo_parameters.jl (#15)
- Efficient reduction (#16)
- Use standard linear algebra for SparseMatrix x BitArray (#17)
- TM learning: A_t or A_t-1 ? (#19)
- TM TODO (#20)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepost synapse index (#4) (@Oblynx)
- Sp sparse (#11) (@Oblynx)
- TM (#21) (@Oblynx)
- Simplify implementations (#24) (@Oblynx)
- Simplify (#26) (@Oblynx)
- Add SP docs (#28) (@Oblynx)
- [docs] Add intro page and hot gym example (#29) (@Oblynx)
- Simplify TM (#33) (@Oblynx)
- Allow toggle boosting (#37) (@Oblynx)
- Hotfix compat (#39) (@Oblynx)