- Navigate to https://easy-retro-pgf.vercel.app/applications/new (replace the domain with your deployment)
- Fill out profile fields with name, profile image and banner image
- Fill out application fields
- name - the name to be displayed
- websiteUrl - your website url
- payoutAddress - address to send payouts to
- impactDescription - describe your impact
- impactMetrics - links to your impact
- fundingSources - list your funding sources
This will create an Attestation with the Metadata schema and populate the fields:
type: "application"
- Navigate to https://easy-retro-pgf.vercel.app/applications (replace the domain with your deployment)
- Make sure you have configured
with the address you connect your wallet with - You will see a list of submitted applications
- Press the Review button to open the application
- Select the applications you want to approve
- Press Approve button to create attestations for these projects (send transaction to confirm)
It can take 10 minutes for the applications to be approved in the UI