Please check this repository out of GitHub somewhere (on Linux or
MacOS the convention is into /opt/oceandatatools_local/stonybrook).
Then create a symlink from stonybrook to the local
subdir of the
OpenRVDAS installation you want to use it with. E.g.
ln -s /opt/oceandatatools_local/stonybrook /opt/openrvdas/local/stonybrook
David Pablo Cohn
- Install Python v3.7 via Anaconda
- Install Git from
- Inside Anaconda CMD prompt:
- pip install pyserial websockets PyYAML parse
- cd
- git clone
- git checkout stonybrook
From there, you should be able to run the basic OpenRVDAS commands below.
python logger\listener\ --config_file local\stonybrook\seawolf.yaml:met1_on
In one terminal:
python logger\listener\ --config_file local\stonybrook\seawolf.yaml:met1_cache
In another:
python server\cached_data_server --port 8766
Should then be able to see live met data from cached data server via:
python logger\listener\ --cached_data Met1WindDirTrue,Met1WindSpeedKt@localhost:8766
Or view the data in a demo HTML page by opening the page at display\html\seawolf_demo.html