This repo contains Bicep and Powershell scripts that will stand up all of the architecture needed for Octopus Deploy HA.
Currently this stands up two VMs and configures Octopus on each for HA.
From provision_azure_scripts
, run the following
.\01_create_infra.ps1 "<RESOURCE GROUP NAME>" `
"<REGION>" `
Leave the quotes as they are..
.\01_create_infra.ps1 "my-resource-group" `
"oct-octo1" `
"northeurope" `
"petecodes" `
"" `
"Octopus_1234" `
"petecodes" `
"OctopusDeploy_1234" `
'<License Signature="JHGiuygYUgjhBYGkjbYYUI6786YIUhjkg986ghk"><LicensedTo>Octopus</LicensedTo><LicenseKey>12345-54321-11223-34455</LicenseKey><Version>2.0<!-- License Schema Version --></Version><ValidFrom>2022-02-03</ValidFrom><MaintenanceExpires>2024-02-03</MaintenanceExpires><ProjectLimit>Unlimited</ProjectLimit><MachineLimit>Unlimited</MachineLimit><UserLimit>Unlimited</UserLimit><NodeLimit>Unlimited</NodeLimit></License>'
You can then access the VMs using RDP;
<Load Balancer Public IP>
<Load Balancer Public IP>
The UI can be accessed using HTTP only currently at;
http://<Load Balancer Public IP>
You will need the following
- An Active Azure Subscription
- A Resource Group
- The Azure CLI, signed in using az login at a powershell terminal
- An Octopus Deploy License with unlimited Nodes
- Powershell v 7.2.1+
Designing for Octopus HA in Azure
Configuring Octopus High Availability in Azure by Derek Campbell
An example deployment looks like this;
This Bicep Script will provision the following resources;
- 1x Storage Account
- Premium LRS
- 1x File Service
- 1x FileShare
- Resource Prefixlocation
- Azure Region
- Create a Premium LRS Storage Account
- Create a File Service
- Create a File Share
This Bicep Script will provision the following resources;
- 1x SQL Server
- 1x SQL Database
- 2x VM
- Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition
- Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory)
- Standard SSD LRS
- 2x Disk
- 2x NIC
- 2x Network Security Group
- 1x VNET
- 1x SubNet
- 1x NAT Gateway
- 1x NAT Gateway IP Address
- 1x Load Balancer
- 1x Load Balancer IP Address
- Resource Prefixlocation
- Azure RegionstorageAccountkey
- Azure Storage Account Key (Fetched by `01_create_infra.ps1 using Azure CLI)license_key
- Octopus Deploy License Key (Single Line)admin_username
- Admin Username (For Octopus Deploy and VM Access)admin_email
- Admin Email (For Octopus Deploy)admin_password
- Admin Password (For Octopus Deploy and VM Access)sqlServer_admin_username
- SQL Server Admin UsernamesqlServer_admin_password
- SQL Server Admin Password
- Create 2x Network Security Groups for RDP Access to VMs
- Creste 1x VNET with address prefix of
- Create 2x Windows Server 2022 Standard D2s v3 VMs
- Run Powershell Extension to execute
on VMs after all services provisioned - Create RDP, SMB, HTTP and HTTPS security Rules
- Create a Subnet with an address prefix of
- Create 2x Network Interfaces for VMs and attach to Subnet
- Create a Load Balancer
- Setup BackEnd Address Pool (completed in
) - Create HTTP and HTTPS load Balancing Rules
- Create Inbound NAT Rules for RDP
- 3389 to VM1
- 3390 to VM2
- Create Health probes for HTTP and HTTPS
- Setup BackEnd Address Pool (completed in
- Create a Public IP Address for Load Balancer
- Create a NAT Gateway
- Create a Public IP Address for NAT Gateway
- Create a SQL Server
- Create a SQL Server Firewall rule to allow Azure Resource Access
- Create a SQL Server Daabase
This script will provision the Storage Account and File Share as well as the main Azure Services. It also provisions the various parts that the Bicep Script can't.
- Resource Group
- Resource Prefix
- Azure Region
- Admin Username (For Octopus Deploy and VM Access)
- Admin Email (For Octopus Deploy)
- Admin Password (For Ocotpus Dpeloy and VM Access)
- SQL Server Admin Username
- SQL Server Admin Password
- Octopus Deploy License Key (Single Line)
- Capture command line parameters
- Replace Quotes in License with holding character
- Replace "-" character in prefix for storage account resource name
- Deploy the Storage Bicep Script
- Create Ocotpus directories in the File Share
- Retrieve the Storage Account Access Key
- Begin the "main" Bicep Provisioning Script, passing in;
- Resource Prefix
- Azure Region
- Admin Username
- Admin Email
- Admin Password
- SQL Server Admin Username
- SQL Server Password
- Storage Account Access Key
- Octopus Deploy License Key
- Create Backebd Address Pools for the two VM IP Addresses
- Attach Inbound NAT Rules for RDP Access
This script will add a Windows Credential to allow Octopus to access the shared storage File Share, create a local storage directory and create symbolic links to the File Share directories.
- Storage Account Name
- Storage Account Access Key
- Storage Account Share Name
- Storage Account Directory Name
- Capture command line parameters
- Add Windows Credential for Storage Account
- Create "Octopus" local storage directory
- Create Symbolic links for;
- TaskLogs
- Artifacts
- Packages
This script downloads the Octopus Windows Installer MSI and installs it silently.
- Download Octopus MSI
- Install MSI using msiexec.exe
This script runs on the First VM and setups up Octopus Deploy and the Database.
- SQL Server Connection String
- Admin Username
- Admin Email
- Admin Password
- Octopus Deploy License Key
- Capture command line parameters
- Convert License Key to Base64
- Create Octopus Deploy Instance
- Congiure Database
- Configure User Access
- Stop Octopus Service
- Set User Credentials
- Add the Octopus Deploy License
- Add Octopus Deploy Paths
- Start the Octopus Service
This script adds Windows firewall rules to allow remote access to the Octopus instance.
- Add Inbound and Outbound Port 80 and 443 Firewall Rules
This script will retrieve the Octopus Deploy Master Key and save it to the shared storage for the other VMs to add to their installation.
- Retrieve Master Key from Octopus Deploy
- Pipe to
This script runs on all subsquent nodes and configures the node with the database, storage and Master Key.
- Connection String
- Master Key (Optional - Will read from
- Capture Command Line Parameters
- Create Octopus Instance
- Configure Database along with Master Key from the first Server
- Configure Access
- Stop Octopus Service
- Add Octopus Deploy Paths
- Start Octopus Service
- Seperate Bicep and Install Scripts into smaller chunks
- Allow for setting how many VMs to stand up
- Use Out parameters in Bicep and Powershell to spit out Load Balancer IP address etc
- Tidy up secure parameters
- General Tidying
- Error Handling
- Better Logging
- Download latest Ocotpus Windows App as it's hardcoded at the moment