- Awesome System Design
- Client module
- Server module
- Parsers module
- Saver module
- API module
- CLI module
- GUI module
Clone the repository and enter it:
$ git clone git@github.com:OhadRubin/awesome-system-design.git ... $ cd awesome-system-design/
Run the installation script and activate the virtual environment:
$ ./scripts/install.sh ... $ source .env/bin/activate [awesome-system-design] $ # you're good to go!
To check that everything is working as expected, run the tests:
$ pytest tests/ ...
In order to run this project, make sure you have docker-compose installed and run:
$ ./scripts/run-pipeline.sh
- To use the client via the command line run
$ python -m asd.client upload-sample -h --port 8000 ../sample.mind.gz
- To use it via python:
>>> from asd.client import upload_sample >>> upload_sample(host='', port=8000, path='../sample.mind.gz')
- Our protocol is implemented in the client as a get request to let the server know which fields the client has, where the server returns the available parsers,
- This is followed by a post request by the client to send the Snapshot.
- We added to the protobuf file another class called Packet, which we use the combine the user and the snapshot and send it using our protocol.
To use via python
>>> from asd.server import run_server >>> def print_message(message): ... print(message) >>> run_server(host='', port=8000, publish=print_message) # listen on host:port and pass received messages to publish
To use via cli
$ python -m asd.server run-server \ -h/--host '' \ -p/--port 8000 \ 'rabbitmq://'
- We used flask_restful to implement the RESTful interface.
To use with python:
>>> from asd.parsers import run_parser >>> data = ... >>> result = run_parser('pose', data)
To use with the cli:
$ python -m cortex.parsers parse 'pose' 'snapshot.raw' > 'pose.result'
- This interace accepts a parser name and a path to some raw data, as consumed from the message queue, and prints the result, as published to the message queue (optionally redirecting it to a file.
Note that we only accept .raw files,
The parser file must contain either of the following:
- A class with a method
with the signature (self, context, snapshot) - A method that begins with
, for exampleparse_feelings
and has the signature (context, snapshot).- For example: feelings.py Either way, it should return a dict, the keys for the dict will be the values that will be saved via the saver. Also, add in upload_sample in client the in line 36 the field for the parser
- To use with python:
>>> from asd.saver import Saver >>> saver = Saver(database_url) >>> data = … >>> saver.save('pose', data)
- To save a result with the cli:
python -m asd.saver save \ -d/--database 'sqlite:///./data/asd.sqlite' \ 'pose' \ 'pose.result'
- To run the saver using the cli:
python -m asd.saver run-saver "sqlite:///./data/asd.sqlite" 'rabbitmq://'
- We choose to use sqlite as the backend because of the nice integration with sqlalchamy.
- To use with python:
>>> from asd.api import run_api_server >>> run_api_server( ... host = '', ... port = 5000, ... database_url = 'sqlite:///./data/asd.sqlite', ... ) … # listen on host:port and serve data from database_url
- To use with the cli:
$ python -m asd.api run-server \ -h/--host '' \ -p/--port 5000 \ -d/--database 'sqlite:///./data/asd.sqlite'
- We used flask_restful to implement the RESTful interface.
$ python -m asd.cli get-users
$ python -m asd.cli get-user 1
$ python -m asd.cli get-snapshots 1
$ python -m asd.cli get-snapshot 1 2
$ python -m asd.cli get-result 1 2 'pose'
- Using python:
>>> from asd.gui import run_server >>> run_server( ... host = '', ... port = 8080, ... api_host = '', ... api_port = 5000, ... )
- Using the cli:
$ python -m asd.gui run-server \ -h/--host '' \ -p/--port 8080 \ -H/--api-host '' \ -P/--api-port 5000
- We used flask
- For the gui, we implemented a infinite scrolling view.