- ✅ React hooks
- ✅ Color picker from React-Color library
- ✅ Palette with flexbox and limited amount of colors
- ✅ Color shades from chroma.js library
- ✅ Dynamic text color based on background luminancy (using chroma.js)
- ✅ Copy to Clipboard from react-copy-to-clipboard library
- ✅ unique IDs from uuid library
- ✅ drag and drop from react-sortable-hoc library
- ✅ snackbar (info display after copy) from material-ui library
- ✅ withStyles from material-ui library (JSS on Higher Order Components)
- ✅ the app is responsive
- 🚀 Adding option to save the palette
- 🚀 Side menu/another route that shows saved palette
- 🚀 An option to download the palette in jpg/svg
- 🚀 Offering to copy the color codes in other formats than only HEX (rgb, rgba)
- 🚀 Refactoring styles component with makeStyles(solution for hooks), instead of withStyle
- 🚀 changing the library to drag-and-drop because of the deprication warnings in the console