A sample repository using DigitalOcean Cloud Functions, Spaces, Managed Database and App plaform to build JAMstack Application
- Create mongo db cluster and database: Data to be imported into the mongo db document is a json array of event object with image and description as properties.
- Create spaces and upload those images. Get their urls and use that to create the data.
- Import the data into the database document
- Write cloud function to read the data and deploy the function
- Use JavaScript to connect to the function and display the data in your web UI
- Push the Code to github repository
- Deploy to App platform
- Sign up on DigitalOcean if you have no account yet
- Install and setup doctl : https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/doctl/how-to/install/
- Follow this tutorial on how to be build JAMStack app on DigitalOcean: https://docs.digitalocean.com/tutorials/create-a-jamstack-site-using-serverless-functions/