Charlie's Project is a website for a chocolate shop with the same name. It's main function is to let users order and compose chocolate packages online. Although I decided to expand the site with more everyday stuff like the About Section or Blog, I took my skills a step further by building this project compared to Game Space (a project I completed previously) with more advanced react patterns and way more libraries. Hope you'll enjoy my work!
npm i
npm run dev
npm run build
The site login is based purely on React with JavaScript. Compered to the last project, I've decided to use work with more libraries this time. The main libraries i used are:
React Router
React Query
React Hook Form
React Spring
All of the images i used were take from Unsplash(Free trial) .On the other hand Icon I used were all taken from SVG Repo. To cut, model and optimize the Images i used Resize Img as well as Squoosh.
The one and only inspiration I had this time was a Polish Ecological Meat Delivery Company called Mięsna Paczka. Credits to them for building such a great site!
I've decided that the best option to story fictional chocolate products and blog posts was to create my own backend. To accomplish that, I used an open-source backend provider called Supabase.