Alejandro Ricciardi (Omegapy)
created date: 01/03/2024
Projects Description:
This repository is a series of LlamaIndex and LangChain Tutorials
Note: I use pipenv as my Python virtual environment
My Links:
- LlmaIndex Tutorial
- LangChain Tutorial
Projects Description: Series of LlamaIndex Tutorials
- LlmaIndex Tutorial from LlamaIndex (Directory: Tutorials from LlamaIndex)
The tutorials are based on LlamaIndex's tutorials. - LlamaIndex Tutorials from E.D. Udemy (Directoty: Tutorials from ED Udemy)
A series of LlamaIndex Tutorials based on Udemy - Eden Marco.
LlamaIndex- Develop LLM powered applications with LlamaIndex
All the files and folders have been modified from the original source to meet my requirements or to add functionalities to the programs. Furthermore, the code lines are heavily commented on; this is a tutorial, after all.
Projects Description: Series of LangChain Tutorials