This is the Pytorch implementation of DeepILS Model. DeepILS is a lightweight model that uses only IMU data and performs pedestrian inertial navigation on the edge.
DeepILS with other ResNet18-based model architectures are presented for comparative analysis. IMUNet, MobileNet, MobileNetV2, MnasNet, and EfficientNetB0 models have been re-implemented to work with one-dimensional Inertial data.
- DeepILS is evaluated on six inertial odometry datssets.
- You can download the proposed datasets from KIOD, INAIOD
- IMUNet dataset can be downloaded from IMUNet
- OxIOD dataset can be downloaded from OxIOD
- RoNIN dataset can be downloaded from RoNIN
- RIDI dataset can be downloaded from RIDI
The inertial trajectories and checkpoints for 6 datasets evaluated on DeepILS are available in the folder /results
The DeepILS Mobile application is available at DeepILS-Mobile.
Dependencies can be installed using the following command:
conda env create -f DeepILS.yml