The OneDrive saver sample app provides a quick view of the data needed to save a file, the saver experience and the possible results. You can use this sample alongside the guide to learn more about how the saver works, but beyond that it won’t do much for you.
- Download the zip and extract the files
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- In Android Studio, select Import Project.... In Eclipse, go to File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace.
- Click Browse.. to select the onedrive-picker-android, where you saved the SDK, as your root directory. Make sure OneDriveSDK and OneDriveSDK.SaverSample are checked.
- If not already installed, follow prompts or go to the Android SDK Manager to install Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
In Android Studio, Run 'Saver Sample'. In Eclipse, right-click the OneDriveSDK.SaverSample project and select Run As → Android Application.
Note the application will not be able to launch the OneDrive saver in the emulator.
Select "Save File" to launch the OneDrive saver with the preset values or choose your own file name and file size. The saver will provide a login screen, if you are not logged into the OneDrive app.
Choose a location to upload the blank file and see whether it succesfully uploaded (or not) in the sample app!