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Releases: OneKeyHQ/app-monorepo


21 Feb 14:24
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✨ New Features

  • Bulksender - Transfer your token to multiple addresses, sending up to 500 addresses at a time
  • Add networks: Polkadot Astar, Cosmos Testnet
  • Add check update in settings menu (Mac App Store)
  • Add “Auto“ option for slippage tolerance

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that cannot swap on Polkadot
  • Fixed the “Mismatch Network“ issue, now browser will correctly respond to swtich network request from Web3 sites

💎 Improvements

  • Added display of amount for EIP-1155 NFTs
  • Updated display rules of token security information
  • Improved UI performance

✨ 新功能

  • 批量发送器 - 将您的代币转入到多个地址,一次可发送多达500个地址
  • 新增网络:Polkadot Astar, Cosmos 测试网
  • 设置菜单新增「检查更新」(Mac App Store)
  • 滑点设置新增「自动」选项

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了在波卡网络上不能闪兑的问题
  • 修复了「网络不匹配」问题,现在浏览器可以正确响应来自Web3网站的切换网络请求

💎 优化

  • 新增EIP-1155类型NFT的数量显示
  • 更新了代币安全信息的显示规则
  • 改进了界面的性能

Full Changelog: v3.28.0...v3.29.0


15 Feb 15:13
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✨ New Features

  • Add support for Polkadot(DOT) tokens, Web3 sites
  • Add support for Cardano(ADA) tokens, Web3 sites

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that prevented swap when there were unused allowance of tokens
  • Fixed some UI issues (iPad)
  • Fixed the issue that RPC status and offline status do not respond to network changes in time
  • Fixed the issue of unresponsive app rating
  • Fixed the issue of unresponsive connection when using swap with external account
  • Fixed the issue of signature failure of signTypedData_v4 in some websites
  • Fixed the abnormality of switching CFX address between mainnet and testnet in some cases
  • Fixed the issue of app stuck when using NFT attribute filter
  • Fixed the issue that app could crash when connecting Web3 sites in browser

💎 Improvements

  • Improved UI of Swap: order history status, 3rd party provider information
  • Improved UI of Token Details in Market
  • Removed the unecessary location permission request (Android)
  • Added search bar in network selector
  • Make “Enter PIN on device“ as a default option
  • Added Memo input in Cosmos transfer
  • Improved the table in Market using fixed headers
  • Added support for back to previous page by gesture in webview (iOS)
  • Unified the amount display style of fiat
  • Improved UI of hardware wallet option menu

✨ 新功能

  • 新增支持 Polkadot 波卡 (DOT) 代币、Web3 网站
  • 新增支持 Cardano(ADA) 代币、Web3 网站

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了当有未用完的授权额度时无法闪兑的问题
  • 修复了一些 UI 问题 (iPad)
  • 修复了 RPC 状态和离线状态未能及时响应网络变化的问题
  • 修复了 App 评分无响应的问题
  • 修复了使用外部账户闪兑时连接无响应的问题
  • 修复了部分网站signTypedData_v4的签名失败问题
  • 修复了某些情况下 CFX 地址在主网和测试网之间切换异常的问题
  • 修复了使用NFT属性过滤时卡住的问题
  • 修复了在浏览器中连接Web3网站时App可能崩溃的问题

💎 优化

  • 改进了闪兑的界面:订单历史状态、第三方提供商信息
  • 改进了「市场」的「代币详情」的界面
  • 移除了不必要的位置权限请求(安卓)
  • 在网络选择器增加了搜索栏
  • 将「在设备上输入PIN」作为默认选项
  • 增加了 Cosmos 转账的 Memo 输入
  • 在市场页面中,使用固定标题以改进表格显示
  • 在 Webview 中增加了手势返回上一页的支持
  • 统一了法币金额的显示
  • 改进了硬件钱包选项菜单的界面

Full Changelog: v3.27.0...v3.28.0


06 Feb 11:39
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✨ New Features

  • Account Overview - Show DeFi assets in your accounts
  • Data Migration - You can now migrate your data to another platform easily
  • Hide 0 amount spam transactions to protect you from address poisoning scams
  • Add support for adding your favorite NFTs on OneKey Touch
  • Wallet Switch - Enable / disable OneKey to adapt connection injection for other wallets (Browser Extension)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that can’t swap on hidden wallets (passphrase wallets)
  • Fixed the issue of Cosmos signature abnormality with hardware wallet
  • Fixed the issue that on-chain history was not shown on Solana
  • Fixed the signature issues on SUI / CFX imported accounts

💎 Improvements

  • Improved onboarding UI - Clearer UI for hardware wallet connection; Added data migration option to migrate data from another platform
  • More accurate allowance amounts for swap
  • Show token balance in the token list when selecting tokens for swap
  • Show alerts when token prices fluctuate significantly in swap
  • Added 1RPC in default RPC list
  • Added more fiat option for default currency
  • Improved parameter check for EIP-712 signatures on EVM networks
  • Add i18n information to system permission dialogs
  • No longer responds to WalletConnect on Explore page when browser window is minimized

✨ 新功能

  • 账户总览 - 显示您账户的 DeFi 资产
  • 数据迁移 - 您现在可以轻松地将数据迁移到另外一个平台啦
  • 隐藏 0 金额垃圾转账,保护您免受「地址投毒」诈骗
  • 新增支持在 OneKey Touch 上添加收藏的 NFT
  • 钱包切换 - 开启 / 关闭 OneKey 适配友商钱包的连接注入(浏览器插件)

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了在隐藏钱包(密语钱包)无法闪兑的问题
  • 修复了使用硬件钱包时 Cosmos 签名异常的问题
  • 修复了 Solana 链上历史记录没有显示的问题
  • 修复了 SUI / CFX 导入账号的签名问题

💎 优化

  • 优化了新手向导界面 - 更清晰的硬件钱包连接入口;增加了数据传输选项,让您可以从另外一个平台迁移数据到当前平台中
  • 更准确的闪兑授权数量
  • 当选择闪兑代币时,代币列表显示代币余额
  • 在闪兑中,当价格剧烈波动时,显示警报提示
  • 默认 RPC 列表中增加了 1RPC
  • 增加了更多法币作为默认货币选项
  • 完善了 EVM 网络的 EIP-712 签名参数校验
  • 增加了系统权限弹窗的国际化翻译
  • 在浏览器窗口最小化时,发现页不再响应 WalletConnect

Full Changelog: v3.26.0...v3.27.0


16 Jan 11:06
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✨ New Features

  • Add support for Cosmos IBC tokens, Web3 Sites, available on both app and hardware wallet (with OneKey Classic & OneKey Mini 2.10.0, OneKey Touch 4.0.0)
  • Add support for Filecoin(FIL), available on both app and hardware wallet
  • Add support for Unstoppable Domains
  • Your On-Chain Annual Report 2022 is ready! Import your wallet and check your annual report
  • Add upgrade wizard for Touch 4.0.0

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that could not sign on when using WalletConnect
  • Fixed the issue that manually entered website didn’t show in browser history
  • Fixed an issue that asked users to install OneKey Bridge (macOS on App Store)
  • Fixed the issue that not showing WalletConnect button or no response after clicking the button

💎 Improvements

  • To prevent address poisoning, a warning pop-up has been added when copying the address for transfers of 0 amount
  • Internationalization optimization for the explore module
  • Improved the performance and UI

✨ 新功能

  • 新增支持 Cosmos IBC 代币、Web3 网站,同时可以用于 app 和硬件钱包
  • 新增支持 Filecoin(FIL),同时可以用于 app 和硬件钱包
  • 新增支持 Unstoppable Domains
  • 您的「2022 链上年度账单」已经准备好啦!导入您的钱包来看看您的年度报告吧
  • 新增 Touch 4.0.0 的更新向导

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了当使用 WalletConnect 时不能在 签名的问题
  • 修复了手动输入的网址没有出现在浏览器历史记录的问题
  • 修复了询问用户安装 OneKey Bridge 的问题 (于App Store的macOS版本)
  • 修复了没有显示 WalletConnect 按钮或点击按钮后无响应的问题

💎 优化

  • 为了防止「地址投毒」诈骗,对于 0 金额的转账,复制地址时增加了一个警示弹窗
  • 发现模块的语言国际化
  • 优化了性能与界面

Full Changelog: v3.25.0...v3.26.0


04 Jan 12:47
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✨ New Features

  • Import or export BIP39 dotmap for OneKey KeyTag in a super easy way

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of not being able to refresh after network disconection
  • Fixed the issue that biometric recognition might be failed sometimes
  • Fixed the issue of not correctly estimate FTM gas fees
  • Corrected the typo of Optimism network name and updated BNB Smart Chain network name

💎 Improvements

  • Add support for connecting hardware wallet offline (Desktop)
  • Add 1inch Swap as a swap route
  • Improved performance and UI

✨ 新功能

  • 导入或导出 OneKey KeyTag 的助记词点阵图,使用起来超简单。快来试试看吧!

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了断网后不能刷新的问题
  • 修复了有时候生物识别可能失败的问题
  • 修复了 FTM Gas 费用估算不正确的问题
  • 修正了 Optimism 网络名称的拼写错误,更新了 BNB Smart Chain 的网络名称

💎 优化

  • 新增支持离线连接硬件钱包(桌面端)
  • 增加了 1inch Swap 作为其中一个闪兑路径
  • 改进了性能与界面

Full Changelog: v3.24.0...v3.25.0


27 Dec 15:09
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✨ New Features

  • Add support for NFT Bulk Transfer
  • NFT ROI Calculator
  • Add “Tag” option for Ripple(XRP) transfers
  • You can select the route that you preferred in Swap

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that cannot transfer on latest SUI Dev network
  • Fixed the issue that project logo might flicker in NFT collection details when loading

💎 Improvements

  • Improved UI prompts for change process of BTC and BTC Fork chains when using hardware wallets
  • Reduced some animations (Android)
  • Set iCloud off as default (iOS)
  • Removed custom fonts, set system fonts as default
  • Support pasting and recognizing the pasteboard content in the scan dialog
  • Improved UI and performance

✨ 新功能

  • 新增 NFT 批量转账支持
  • NFT 投资收益比计算器
  • Ripple(XRP) 转账增加了「Tag」选项
  • 您可以在闪兑时选择偏好的路径

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了在最新 SUI Dev 网络不能转账的问题
  • 修复了 NFT 项目详情的项目 Logo 可能会在加载时闪烁的问题

💎 优化

  • 在使用硬件钱包时,BTC 及 BTC Fork 链找零过程的界面提示改进
  • 减弱了动态效果 (Android)
  • 默认关闭 iCloud (iOS)
  • 移除了自定义字体,使用系统默认字体
  • 支持在扫描弹窗粘贴内容并识别
  • 改进了界面与性能

Full Changelog: v3.23.0...v3.24.0


19 Dec 14:24
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🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that routing not work in the "Select" component (iOS)
  • Fixed some UI issues

💎 Improvements

  • Optimize the fiat currency price inquiry
  • Removed notification subscription of contract address
  • Added introductory descriptions to all BTC account types when creating BTC accounts
  • Updated name of networks
  • Improved startup performance

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了 Select 组件路由跳转失败的问题 (iOS)
  • 修复了一些界面问题

💎 优化

  • 优化了法币价格查询
  • 移除了合约地址的通知订阅
  • 在创建 BTC 账户的流程中,给所有 BTC 账户类型增加了介绍描述
  • 更新了网络名称
  • 改进了启动性能

Full Changelog: v3.22.0...v3.23.0


14 Dec 08:54
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✨ New Features

  • Split network and account selector

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that BTC fork chains history didn’t show correctly
  • Fixed the issue that cannot connect with some Web3 sites like x2y2
  • Fixed the issue that cannot return after clicking back button in Revoke (Extension)
  • Fixed incorrect path that caused transaction details to display a 404 error.

💎 Improvements

  • Optimized the speed judgment rules of RPC
  • Update the judgment rules of risk contracts
  • Hide revoke tool when network does not supported
  • Improved account restore and deletion performance in weak network
  • New Swap UI
  • Improved UI of account creation
  • New icons and buttons style, cleaner and clearer

✨ 新功能

  • 拆分网络与账户选择器

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了 BTC 分叉链的历史记录没有显示正确的问题
  • 修复了不能连接某些 Web3 网站,例如 x2y2
  • 修复了在Revoke.gg点击返回不能后退的问题(浏览器插件)
  • 修复了错误路径导致交易详情404错误的问题

💎 优化

  • 优化了RPC速度判断
  • 更新了风险合约判断规则
  • 在不支持合约的链的账户页面隐藏了 Revoke 工具
  • 改进了恢复和删除账户的弱网性能表现
  • 新的闪兑界面
  • 改进了账户创建界面
  • 新的图标与按钮设计,更干净清晰

Full Changelog: v3.21.0...v3.22.0


06 Dec 09:51
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✨ New Features

  • Show coin balance on the account list
  • Add support for SUI tokens

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that Solana NFT history was not shown
  • Fixed an error that indicated insufficient balance when transferring funds on ALGO. Because ALGO requires a minimum ALGO balance to be kept in the address, the fixed version keeps enough balance to ensure a successful transfer
  • Fixed the issue of stuck while transferring BTC fork coins with OneKey Classic
  • Fixed some issues in APTOS related features
  • Fixed UI issue of OneKey Touch wallpaper settings on iPad (iPadOS)
  • Fixed the issue of Tooltip component (Android)
  • Fixed the issue of rating on Google Play (Android)
  • Fixed the issue of rating on Firefox (Extension)

💎 Improvements

  • Improved error message when using Swap with hardware wallet
  • Improved performance of Web3 browser, RPC traffic lights, Tools API
  • Keep the screen always on when entering passphrase (Mobile)
  • Improved performance of window scaling (Desktop)
  • Improved some UI to enhance usability

✨ 新功能

  • 账户列表中显示主币余额
  • 增加 SUI 代币支持

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了 Solana NFT 历史记录没有显示的问题
  • 修复了一个转账时提示余额不足的报错,原因是 ALGO 要求地址里保留一个最小的ALGO余额,修复版本中保留了足够的余额,保证转账成功
  • 修复了配合 OneKey Classic 使用时 BTC 分叉币转账时卡住的问题
  • 修复了一些 APTOS 相关功能的界面问题
  • 修复了 OneKey Touch 墙纸设置的界面问题 (iPadOS)
  • 修复了 Tooltip 组件的问题 (Android)
  • 修复了 Google Play 评分功能问题 (Android)
  • 修复了 Firefox 评分功能问题 (浏览器插件)

💎 优化

  • 改进了配合硬件钱包时使用 Swap 的错误提示
  • 改进了 Web3 浏览器、RPC 红绿灯、Tools 接口的性能
  • 输入 Passphrase 时,保持屏幕常亮 (移动端)
  • 改进了窗口缩放的性能 (桌面端)

Full Changelog: v3.20.0...v3.21.0


30 Nov 12:49
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✨ New Features

  • Add support for SUI Testnet tokens, WEB3 sites, transaction history
  • Add more RPC node options
  • Add ENS, .bit resolving for DOGE, LTC, TRX
  • Add NFT metadata filter
  • Add support for Tron tokens transaction history
  • Enable / Disable monitor injecting in extension (Extension)
  • Add support for using camera to scan QR Code (Extension)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue that cannot make transactions using a imported Tron private key account
  • Fixed the issue that cannot scan OneKey Lite on some Android phones (Android)
  • Fixed the crash issue on Android 13 (Android)

💎 Improvements

  • Display price to 8 decimal places by default when BTC is selected as a fiat currency
  • Improved performance and some UI

✨ 新功能

  • 新增 SUI 测试网代币、WEB3 网站、历史记录支持
  • 新增更多 RPC 选项
  • 新增 DOGE, LTC, TRX 的 ENS, .bit 解析
  • 新增 NFT 参数过滤器
  • 新增 Tron 代币的历史记录支持
  • 启用 / 禁用插件注入(浏览器插件)
  • 新增使用摄像头扫描二维码支持(浏览器插件)

🐞 问题修复

  • 修复了导入 Tron 私钥账户后,无法转账的问题
  • 修复了一些安卓机型不能扫描 OneKey Lite 的问题 (Android)
  • 修复了在 Android 13 崩溃的问题 (Android)

💎 优化

  • 当 BTC 被选为法币时,价格显示展示到8位小数
  • 改进了性能与部分界面

Full Changelog: v3.19.0...v3.20.0