Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-WordPress-Plugin
Wordpress Plugin v2.2.0
Service Worker scope change to non-root for new user installs
Wordpress Plugin v.2.1.4
Bug fix: adds check to prevent notifications for non-public post types
Wordpress Plugin v2.1.2
Obfuscation of REST API key in OneSignal configuration page to only show last 4 characters
Wordpress Plugin v2.1.0
- Wordpress VIP Support
- Nonce checking
- Fixed Scheduling bug
Wordpress Plugin v1.17.5
- Updated notice to show correct time-limit of three minutes (gt 2)
Wordpress Plugin v1.17.3
Added id to notices to prevent duplicate notices
Differentiate between regular notices and error notices when it comes to IDs
Added debug logging to responses with non-200 level status codes
refactoring, fixed some comments and bugs
timeout logic bug
Wordpress Plugin v1.17.1
Added error message to request failed notice (Gutenberg)
Added error message to error logging (Classic)
Release 1.17.1
Wordpress Plugin v1.17.0
Bug fixes, edge-case handling, refactoring
removed error_log and sleep() function
handle case where post is not defined, handle indexing errors when metadata isn't defined
WP_error array error handling
Wordpress Plugin v1.16.16
Fixes conflicts from 1.16.15 with the Yoast plugin
WordPress Plugin v1.14.0
= 1.14.0 =
- Update semantic versioning; update minor version for new backwards-compatible functionality
- Hide Google Project Number from configuration (using one is unnecessary since we provide a default Project Number)
- Add option "Use the post's featured image for Chrome's large notification image" (see:
- Lower notification rate limit from 55 seconds to 10 seconds. Countdown shows time remaining (e.g. "Please try again in 6 seconds")