Resolved the issue with the FormField property wrapper not responding to changes from onChange or onReceive listeners.
The version is contributed with love by Kemal Turk
Optimize validation logic by eliminating unnecessary checks for duplicate values.
- Add onFormChanged to FormValidation to act to form changes.
- Add onFormChanged to FormValidation to act to form changes.
- Add onFormChanged to FormValidation to act to form changes.
- Provide FormValidation.allFilled as a publisher.
- Provide FormValidation.allFilled as a publisher.
- Add FormValidation.isAllFiled() for checking all fields are filled.
- Add FormValidation.errorsDescription() to get a description for all errors messages separated with new line.
- Add ValidationType.silent to allow handling the errors by library user.
- Provide an option for customizing the error view.
- Support macOS 10_15 as a minimum version.
- Support nullable validation container
- Fix issue #1 error message not displayed with composite validators
- Fix exclude in Package.swift
- Fix exclude in Package.swift
- Fix exclude in Package.swift
- Add password validation
- Ignore validating disabled validator in FormValidation.isAllValid
- Add disable validation feature
- Add CompositeValidator
- Add PasswordValidator
- Add CountValidator
- Add PrefixValidator
- Add SuffixValidator