Test controller (machine from which the tests are started) requirements:
- rsync
- sshpass
- python >= 3.6
- python-devel
- python requirements from the file ./modules/test-framework/requirements.txt
To install the latter use from the repository's root:
pip3 install --user -r ./modules/test-framework/requirements.txt
Device Under Test (DUT) requirements:
- packages specified in file dut_requirements.txt
To start the tests:
cd tests
python3 -m pytest --dut-config="path/to/config" --log-path="path/to/logs"
The command executes pytest module. All tests in the working directory are then discovered and executed on the DUT specified in the dut config.
DUT config file is a yaml file which configures where the tests are run. It can contain a list of drives available for testing.
'ip' field should be filled with valid IP string to use remote ssh executor or it should be commented out when user want to execute tests on local machine
An example of DUT config can be found in example_config.yml