is a collection of Python implementations of OpenEO processes based on the xarray/dask ecosystem. It is intended to be used alongside with openeo-pg-parser-networkx, which handles the parsing and execution of OpenEO process graphs. There you'll also find a tutorial on how to register process implementations from an arbitrary source (e.g. this repo) to the registry of available processes.
Install this project via pip:
pip install openeo-processes-dask
Note that by default this only installs the json process specs. In order to install the actual implementations, add the implementations
pip install openeo-processes-dask[implementations]
A subset of process implementations with heavy or unstable dependencies are hidden behind these further build variants:
:pip install openeo-processes-dask[ml]
:pip install openeo-processes-dask[experimental]
openeo-processes-dask requires poetry >1.2, see their docs for installation instructions.
Clone the repository with --recurse-submodules
to also fetch the process specs:
git clone --recurse-submodules
To setup the python venv and install this project into it run:
poetry install --all-extras
To add a new core dependency run:
poetry add some_new_dependency
To add a new development dependency run:
poetry add some_new_dependency --group dev
To run the test suite run:
poetry run python -m pytest
Note that you can also use the virtual environment that's generated by poetry as the kernel for the ipynb notebooks.
This repo makes use of pre-commit hooks to enforce linting & a few sanity checks. In a fresh development setup, install the hooks using poetry run pre-commit install
. These will then automatically be checked against your changes before making the commit.
The json specs for the individual processes are tracked as a git submodule in openeo_processes_dask/specs/openeo-processes
The raw json for a specific process can be imported using from openeo_processes_dask.specs import reduce_dimension
To bump these specs to a later version use:
git -C openeo_processes_dask/specs/openeo-processes checkout <tag>
git add openeo_processes_dask/specs/openeo-processes