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Project Description

This project provides two different ways to use Open-TEE in your Android application. Note all files related with Open-TEE is included within the opentee module. So one way is to bundle Open-TEE with your application by importing opentee module and installing Open-TEE along with your Android application. In this case, the functionality of Open-TEE is exposed with GlobalPlatform (GP) Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Client C API. If you want to interact with Open-TEE, you need to add native code components to your Android application. A module name bundletest provides the example about how to bundle Open-TEE for Android applications.

Another way to bundle Open-TEE with your application is to use already given Java API provided by two modules in this repository: otservice and otclient. They provide a Java API (named OT-J) for using GP compliant TEEs. This allows you to write Android applications that interact with the TEE without having to write native code. Do demonstrate the functionality of this API, this project includes a test application in module named javaapitest. However, this API can be used with any GP-compliant Trusted Application (TA).

More detailed information about this project is presented in Rui Yang's MSc Thesis from Aalto University.

Repository Structure

This repository consists of the following directories:

  • document: contains the design documents for this project, including the Java API documentation and Rui Yang's MSc Thesis.

  • opentee: is an Android Library which has Open-TEE along with utility functions to use Open-TEE in Android. You can import either the source code of this module or using its aar file (see instruction here) after you build its source code.

  • otclient: contains the Java API (OT-J) and an implementation of this API using Open-TEE. Android Client Applications (CAs) must import this module in order to interact with the otservice module.

  • otservice: contains

    • TEE Proxy Service
    • NativeLibtee
    • Libtee
  • javaapitest: contains an Android test application which utilizes this Java API.

  • bundletest: is a standalone Android application which includes Open-TEE by importing the opentee module. It corresponds to the old version of this repo. It deploys the prebuilt connection test TA into Open-TEE and runs the corresponding connection test CA to test the connection with Open-TEE.

Support Library Dependency

  1. Google ProtocolBuffers 2.6.1
  2. Open-TEE libtee module.


Supported Android Versions

Supported Android version: 5.0 - 5.1.1

The current implementation of the API uses Open-TEE in place of a hardware TEE. Open-TEE does not yet support Android versions above 5.1.1. This project has been tested on Android 5.0 & 5.1.1


Obtain the Source Code

Clone this repository:

	$ git clone --recursive

Build with Android Studio

  1. Import opentee-android into Android Studio. Go to File->New->Import Project... and select the opentee-android under the opentee-android-test directory. Wait for Android Studio to finish the import task.

  2. You need either an Android device or an Android emulator to run our test application. To set up a debugging environment, follow the instructions at:

  3. Run otservice run-time configuration by selecting the otservice from the drop-down list on the left side of the Run button. Click the Run button and select your target device, which can be either a real Android device or an emulator.

  4. Follow the same steps as above to run the javaapitest run-time configuration.

  5. You can also build the bundletest module by following the same steps as above to run the bundletest run-time configuration.

For any errors during this process, please refer to the FAQ section.

The compilation process may take a couple of minutes the first time it is run. After successfully building this project, you can run the three complied applications.

Build without Android Studio

It is assumed that you have already installed the Android SDK and NDK (see prerequisites). Run the following commands to build this project:

	$ cd opentee-android
	$ ./gradlew build

After successful compilation, the output will be three APK files. The APK file under bundletest/build/outputs/apk/ is a standalone test application to demonstrate the first way to use Open-TEE in Android. While two APK files located in folder otservice/build/outputs/apk/ and javaapitest/build/outputs/apk/ belongs to the second way. These can be installed and run on emulators or real devices as usual.

For any errors during this process, please refer to the FAQ section.


Note The supported Android version is 5.0 to 5.1.1

Running the Bundle Test App

Just run the bundletest runtime configuration. Its output can be seen in the logcat. If you see the following text, it means that bundletest works as expected.

SUCCESS !!!Connection test app did not found any errors.^^^ SUCCESS ^^^

Running the Java API Test App


  1. Run the otservice app and then the javaapitest run-time configurations on a device or emulator;

  2. When the javaapitest UI is displayed, click the buttons in the following sequence: "CREAT ROOT KEY" -> "INITIALIZE" -> "CREATE DIRECTORY KEY" -> "ENCRYPT DATA" -> "DECRYPT DATA" -> "FINALIZE";

  3. After clicking "DECRYPT DATA", the decrypted data should be the same as the initial data buffer. The output should be the same as that shown on page 51 of Rui Yang's MSc Thesis. If this is not the case, or if there are runtime errors, please refere to FAQ section.

Unit Test Case

  1. Start the otservice app and make sure that your device is active (no lock screen);

  2. Run the test case javaapitest/src/androidTest/java/fi/aalto/ssg/opentee/javaapitest/

Generate API Javadoc

Note that there is already a generated javadoc in document/teec_java_api.pdf.

Required Tools

  1. javadoc: should be included with the Oracle OpenJDK pakcage. Try to issue the $javadoc command to check if this is installed. If not, install latest OpenJDK package.

  2. pdfdoclet: used to generate PDF-formatted javadoc. Download and install this tool following the instructions at:

Generate the Javadoc

Before going any further, make sure that you have the following environment variabls set in your current shell:

  • $PDFDOCLET_UNZIPPED_DIR : this stores the root of the directory where you put the unzipped pdfdoclet.
  • $OUTPUT_FILE_WITH_FULL_PATH : this var specify where to store the target Java API document along with its name.
  • $PROJECT_HOME_DIR: this contains the root of your cloned opentee-android directory path.

Generate the java doc using the following command:

	$ javadoc -doclet com.tarsec.javadoc.pdfdoclet.PDFDoclet -docletpath $PDFDOCLET_UNZIPPED_DIR/pdfdoclet-1.0.3-all.jar -pdf $OUTPUT_FILE_WITH_FULL_PATH $PROJECT_HOME_DIR/opentee-android/otclient/src/main/java/fi/aalto/ssg/opentee/*.* $PROJECT_HOME_DIR/opentee-android/otclient/src/main/java/fi/aalto/ssg/opentee/exception/*.*

Change Log

Old version (before 2016.01.01) is partially integrated in the bundletest and opentee modules.


Missing files under libtee

This project imports libtee as a submodule. Ensure that otservice/src/main/jni/libtee exists. If not, pull the content by using the following command:

	$ git submodule update --init

No output after clicking "generating root key" in javaapitest

Since the dependency OPEN-TEE can only run up to Android 5.1.1, if you deployed the otservice application to an Android phone/emulator which has a version higher than 5.1.1, no output will be displayed.

Failed to find build tools revision

When you build this project using the command line, you may encounter this error. Make sure you have the right version of build tool. You can check what version you have under the $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools. To fix this error, you can either change the build version of the module which throws the error to the version you have in build.gradle. This way is not recommended. Alternatively, you can download the right version using the Android SDK manager.


You can either use prebuilt from the opentee/src/main/jniLibs/$abiversion/ or build the from the libtee source code using ndk-build (make sure that you have ndk-build downloaded and added its path to the PATH environment variable).

Other issues

For any issues not mentioned above, please report these in the issue tracker.


This source code is available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0: This project has used Protocol Buffers 2.6.1 of Google Inc.


Android code/libraries for deploying and running Open TEE code







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