A library for Maths of all kinds, WIP.
Static class so it can be accessed anywhere in your solution.
Extension methods for conversion between float, double, and decimal types. Standard value.ToType() usage. Most constants are stored as a decimal, so these extension methods make it shorter to code the return type you want.
- decimal.ToDouble()
- float.ToDouble()
- decimal.ToFloat()
- double.ToFloat()
- double.ToDecimal()
- float.ToDecimal()
Constants not found in the standard Math or Mathf libraries, stored as decimal for high precision.
Constant Name | Symbol | Constant Name | Symbol |
1. Glaisher-Kinkelin | _A_GlaisherKinkelin | 15. Lieb's Square Ice | _Lieb |
2. Mills' | _A_Mills | 16. Meissel-Mertens | _M |
3. Feigenbaum Alpha | _α | 17. Ramanujan-Soldner | _μ |
4. Backhouse's | _B | 18. Omega | _Ω |
5. Landau-Ramanujan | _b | 19. Universal Parabolic | _P |
6. Cahen's | _C_Cahen | 20. Pi | _π |
7. Porter's | _C_Porter | 21. Phi | _Φ |
8. Feigenbaum Delta | _δ | 22. Inverse Golden Ratio | _φ |
9. Erdős–Borwein | _E | 23. Reciprocal Fibonacci | _ψ |
10. Catalan | _G | 24. Plastic Number | _ρ |
11. Euler-Mascheroni | _γ | 25. √2 | _Root2 |
12. Conway's | _λ_Conway | 26. √3 | _Root3 |
13. Golomb-Dickman | _λ_GolombDickman | 27. √5 | _Root5 |
14. Khinchin's | _L | 28. Apéry’s | _ζ3 |
Physics constants, stored as decimal for high precision, excepting Planck Temperature and Planck Time, which use float since the Exponent values are so large. Pulled from the NIST-accepted values, most of the good ones are here.
Constant Name | Symbol |
1. Absolute Zero, Celsius | AbsZero_C |
2. Absolute Zero, Fahrenheit | AbsZero_F |
3. Absolute Entropy, STP | AbsoluteEntropy_STP |
4. Absolute Entropy, 1 Atm | AbsoluteEntropy_Atm |
5. Angstrom Star | AngstromStar |
6. Atomic Mass | AtomicMass_mu |
7. Avogadro's Number | Avogadro_NA |
8. Bohr Magneton | BohrMagneton_μB |
9. Bohr Magneton | BohrMagnetonIneVPerT_μB |
10. Bohr Radius | BohrRadius_a0 |
11. Boltzmann | Boltzmann_kB |
12. Classical Electron Radius | ClassicalElectronRadius_re |
13. Conductance Quantum | ConductanceQuantum_G0 |
14. Conductance Quantum (e^2/Joule) | ConductanceQuantumIneSquaredPerJoule_G0 |
15. Coulomb | Coulomb_ke |
16. Deuteron Mass | DeuteronMass_md |
17. Efimov Factor | EfimovFactor_ |
18. Electron G Factor | ElectronGFactor_ge |
19. Electron Magnetic Moment | ElectronMagneticMoment_μe |
20. Electron Mass | ElectronMass_me |
21. Electron-Proton Mass Ratio | ElectronProtonMassRatio_memp |
22. Electron-Neutron Mass Ratio | ElectronNeutronMassRatio_memn |
23. Elementary Charge | ElementaryCharge_e |
24. Faraday Constant | Faraday_F |
25. Fermi Coupling Constant | FermiCoupling_GF |
26. Fine Structure Constant | FineStructure_α |
27. First Radiation Constant | FirstRadiation_c1 |
28. First Radiation Constant (Spectral) | FirstRadiationSpectral_c1L |
29. Gravitational Constant | Gravitational_G |
30. Hartree Energy | HartreeEnergy_Eh |
31. Hydrogen Mass | HydrogenMass_mH |
32. Hyperfine Transition Frequency Cs133 | HyperfineTransitionFrequencyCesium133_ΔνCs |
33. Inverse Conductance Quantum | InverseConductanceQuantum_G0Inv |
34. Inverse Fine Structure Constant | InverseFineStructure_αInv |
35. Josephson Constant | Josephson_KJ |
36. Loschmidt Constant | Loschmidt_n0 |
37. Luminous Efficacy (Ideal Source) | LuminousEfficacy_Kcd |
38. Magnetic Flux Quantum | MagneticFluxQuantum_Φ0 |
39. Magnetic Flux Quantum (e^2/Joule) | MagneticFluxQuantumIneSquaredPerJoule_Φ0 |
40. Magnetic Moment of Electron | MagneticMomentOfElectron_μe |
41. Magnetic Moment of Neutron | MagneticMomentOfNeutron_μn |
42. Magnetic Moment of Proton | MagneticMomentOfProton_μp |
43. Molar Gas Constant | MolarGas_R |
44. Molar Mass | MolarMass_Mu |
45. Molar Mass Of Carbon-12 | MolarMassOfCarbon12_M12C |
46. Molar Planck Constant | MolarPlanck_NAh |
47. Muon Compton Wavelength | MuonComptonWavelength_λCμ |
48. Muon Electron Mass Ratio | MuonElectronMassRatio_mμme |
49. Muon Magnetic Moment | MuonMagneticMoment_μμ |
50. Muon Mass | MuonMass_mμ |
51. Muon Mass Energy Equivalent | MuonMassEnergyEquivalent_mμc2 |
52. Muon Mass Inu | MuonMassInu_mμu |
53. Muon Molar Mass | MuonMolarMass_Mμ |
54. Molar Volume Of Ideal Gas (Atm) | MolarVolumeOfIdealGas_Vm_Atm |
55. Molar Volume Of Ideal Gas (STP) | MolarVolumeOfIdealGas_Vm_STP |
56. Muon Proton Mass Ratio | MuonProtonMassRatio_mμmp |
57. Neutron Electron Mass Ratio | NeutronElectronMassRatio_mnme |
58. Neutron Magnetic Moment | NeutronMagneticMoment_μn |
59. Neutron Proton Mass Ratio | NeutronProtonMassRatio_mnmp |
60. Neutron Mass | NeutronMass_mn |
61. Nuclear Magneton | NuclearMagneton_μN |
62. Planck Constant | Planck_h |
63. Planck Constant Reduced | PlanckReduced_ħ |
64. Planck Length | PlanckLength_lP |
65. Planck Mass | PlanckMass_mP |
66. Planck Temperature | PlanckTemperature_TP |
67. Planck Time | PlanckTime_tP |
68. Proton Electron Mass Ratio | ProtonElectronMassRatio_mpme |
69. Proton Mass | ProtonMass_mp |
70. Proton Neutron Mass Ratio | ProtonNeutronMassRatio_mpmn |
71. Proton Magnetic Moment | ProtonMagneticMoment_μp |
72. Quantum Of Circulation | QuantumOfCirculation_Γ |
73. Rydberg Constant | Rydberg_Rꚙ |
74. Rydberg Constant Times C in Hz | RydbergTimesCinHz_Rꚙc |
75. Rydberg Energy Equivalent | RydbergEnergyEquivalent_Rꚙhc |
76. Rydberg Energy Equivalent in eV | RydbergEnergyEquivalentIneV_Rꚙhc |
77. Second Radiation Constant | SecondRadiation_c2 |
78. Speed Of Light | SpeedOfLight_c |
79. Standard Atmosphere | StandardAtmosphere_atm |
80. Standard State Pressure | StandardStatePressure_Pa |
81. Stefan Boltzmann Constant | StefanBoltzmannConstant_σ |
82. Vacuum Impedance | VacuumImpedance_Z0 |
83. Vacuum Permeability | VacuumPermeability_μ0 |
84. Vacuum Permittivity | VacuumPermittivity_ε0 |
85. Von Klitzing Constant | VonKlitzingConstant_RK |
86. Weak Mixing Angle | WeakMixingAngle_θW |
87. Wien Displacement Constant | WienDisplacement_b |
Library of Maths functions. Static class so it can be accessed anywhere in your solution. Most functions can return float, decimal and double.
Sqrt() - Custom method for Decimal Square Root. Others use standard libraries.
Log() - Custom method for Decimal Natural Log.
LogN() - Custom method for Decimal Log(n).
Log10() - Custom method for Decimal Log10.
Log2() - Custom method for Decimal Log2.
Library of functions related to Fast Fourier Transforms, frequency domain functions, methods of visualizing.