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A library for Maths of all kinds, WIP.

  1. Maths
  1. MathsF


Static class so it can be accessed anywhere in your solution.

Extension Methods

Extension methods for conversion between float, double, and decimal types. Standard value.ToType() usage. Most constants are stored as a decimal, so these extension methods make it shorter to code the return type you want.

  • decimal.ToDouble()
  • float.ToDouble()
  • decimal.ToFloat()
  • double.ToFloat()
  • double.ToDecimal()
  • float.ToDecimal()



Constants not found in the standard Math or Mathf libraries, stored as decimal for high precision.

Constant Name Symbol Constant Name Symbol
1. Glaisher-Kinkelin _A_GlaisherKinkelin 15. Lieb's Square Ice _Lieb
2. Mills' _A_Mills 16. Meissel-Mertens _M
3. Feigenbaum Alpha 17. Ramanujan-Soldner
4. Backhouse's _B 18. Omega
5. Landau-Ramanujan _b 19. Universal Parabolic _P
6. Cahen's _C_Cahen 20. Pi
7. Porter's _C_Porter 21. Phi
8. Feigenbaum Delta 22. Inverse Golden Ratio
9. Erdős–Borwein _E 23. Reciprocal Fibonacci
10. Catalan _G 24. Plastic Number
11. Euler-Mascheroni 25. √2 _Root2
12. Conway's _λ_Conway 26. √3 _Root3
13. Golomb-Dickman _λ_GolombDickman 27. √5 _Root5
14. Khinchin's _L 28. Apéry’s _ζ3


Physics Constants

Physics constants, stored as decimal for high precision, excepting Planck Temperature and Planck Time, which use float since the Exponent values are so large. Pulled from the NIST-accepted values, most of the good ones are here.

Constant Name Symbol
1. Absolute Zero, Celsius AbsZero_C
2. Absolute Zero, Fahrenheit AbsZero_F
3. Absolute Entropy, STP AbsoluteEntropy_STP
4. Absolute Entropy, 1 Atm AbsoluteEntropy_Atm
5. Angstrom Star AngstromStar
6. Atomic Mass AtomicMass_mu
7. Avogadro's Number Avogadro_NA
8. Bohr Magneton BohrMagneton_μB
9. Bohr Magneton BohrMagnetonIneVPerT_μB
10. Bohr Radius BohrRadius_a0
11. Boltzmann Boltzmann_kB
12. Classical Electron Radius ClassicalElectronRadius_re
13. Conductance Quantum ConductanceQuantum_G0
14. Conductance Quantum (e^2/Joule) ConductanceQuantumIneSquaredPerJoule_G0
15. Coulomb Coulomb_ke
16. Deuteron Mass DeuteronMass_md
17. Efimov Factor EfimovFactor_
18. Electron G Factor ElectronGFactor_ge
19. Electron Magnetic Moment ElectronMagneticMoment_μe
20. Electron Mass ElectronMass_me
21. Electron-Proton Mass Ratio ElectronProtonMassRatio_memp
22. Electron-Neutron Mass Ratio ElectronNeutronMassRatio_memn
23. Elementary Charge ElementaryCharge_e
24. Faraday Constant Faraday_F
25. Fermi Coupling Constant FermiCoupling_GF
26. Fine Structure Constant FineStructure_α
27. First Radiation Constant FirstRadiation_c1
28. First Radiation Constant (Spectral) FirstRadiationSpectral_c1L
29. Gravitational Constant Gravitational_G
30. Hartree Energy HartreeEnergy_Eh
31. Hydrogen Mass HydrogenMass_mH
32. Hyperfine Transition Frequency Cs133 HyperfineTransitionFrequencyCesium133_ΔνCs
33. Inverse Conductance Quantum InverseConductanceQuantum_G0Inv
34. Inverse Fine Structure Constant InverseFineStructure_αInv
35. Josephson Constant Josephson_KJ
36. Loschmidt Constant Loschmidt_n0
37. Luminous Efficacy (Ideal Source) LuminousEfficacy_Kcd
38. Magnetic Flux Quantum MagneticFluxQuantum_Φ0
39. Magnetic Flux Quantum (e^2/Joule) MagneticFluxQuantumIneSquaredPerJoule_Φ0
40. Magnetic Moment of Electron MagneticMomentOfElectron_μe
41. Magnetic Moment of Neutron MagneticMomentOfNeutron_μn
42. Magnetic Moment of Proton MagneticMomentOfProton_μp
43. Molar Gas Constant MolarGas_R
44. Molar Mass MolarMass_Mu
45. Molar Mass Of Carbon-12 MolarMassOfCarbon12_M12C
46. Molar Planck Constant MolarPlanck_NAh
47. Muon Compton Wavelength MuonComptonWavelength_λCμ
48. Muon Electron Mass Ratio MuonElectronMassRatio_mμme
49. Muon Magnetic Moment MuonMagneticMoment_μμ
50. Muon Mass MuonMass_mμ
51. Muon Mass Energy Equivalent MuonMassEnergyEquivalent_mμc2
52. Muon Mass Inu MuonMassInu_mμu
53. Muon Molar Mass MuonMolarMass_Mμ
54. Molar Volume Of Ideal Gas (Atm) MolarVolumeOfIdealGas_Vm_Atm
55. Molar Volume Of Ideal Gas (STP) MolarVolumeOfIdealGas_Vm_STP
56. Muon Proton Mass Ratio MuonProtonMassRatio_mμmp
57. Neutron Electron Mass Ratio NeutronElectronMassRatio_mnme
58. Neutron Magnetic Moment NeutronMagneticMoment_μn
59. Neutron Proton Mass Ratio NeutronProtonMassRatio_mnmp
60. Neutron Mass NeutronMass_mn
61. Nuclear Magneton NuclearMagneton_μN
62. Planck Constant Planck_h
63. Planck Constant Reduced PlanckReduced_ħ
64. Planck Length PlanckLength_lP
65. Planck Mass PlanckMass_mP
66. Planck Temperature PlanckTemperature_TP
67. Planck Time PlanckTime_tP
68. Proton Electron Mass Ratio ProtonElectronMassRatio_mpme
69. Proton Mass ProtonMass_mp
70. Proton Neutron Mass Ratio ProtonNeutronMassRatio_mpmn
71. Proton Magnetic Moment ProtonMagneticMoment_μp
72. Quantum Of Circulation QuantumOfCirculation_Γ
73. Rydberg Constant Rydberg_Rꚙ
74. Rydberg Constant Times C in Hz RydbergTimesCinHz_Rꚙc
75. Rydberg Energy Equivalent RydbergEnergyEquivalent_Rꚙhc
76. Rydberg Energy Equivalent in eV RydbergEnergyEquivalentIneV_Rꚙhc
77. Second Radiation Constant SecondRadiation_c2
78. Speed Of Light SpeedOfLight_c
79. Standard Atmosphere StandardAtmosphere_atm
80. Standard State Pressure StandardStatePressure_Pa
81. Stefan Boltzmann Constant StefanBoltzmannConstant_σ
82. Vacuum Impedance VacuumImpedance_Z0
83. Vacuum Permeability VacuumPermeability_μ0
84. Vacuum Permittivity VacuumPermittivity_ε0
85. Von Klitzing Constant VonKlitzingConstant_RK
86. Weak Mixing Angle WeakMixingAngle_θW
87. Wien Displacement Constant WienDisplacement_b



Library of Maths functions. Static class so it can be accessed anywhere in your solution. Most functions can return float, decimal and double.

  • Derivative()

  • PartialDerivative()

  • Sqrt() - Custom method for Decimal Square Root. Others use standard libraries.

  • Log() - Custom method for Decimal Natural Log.

  • LogN() - Custom method for Decimal Log(n).

  • Log10() - Custom method for Decimal Log10.

  • Log2() - Custom method for Decimal Log2.

  • Sigmoid()

  • SigmoidMultivariate()

  • Logit()

  • LogitMultivariate()

  • ReLU()

  • ReLUMultivariate()

  • LeakyReLU()

  • LeakyReLUMultivariate()

  • Tanh()

  • TanhMultivariate()

  • Softmax()

  • MeanSquaredError()

  • MeanBiasError()

  • MeanAbsoluteError()

  • CrossEntropyError()

  • HingeLoss()

  • HuberLoss()

  • KullbackLieblerDivergence()

  • LogCoshLoss()

  • PoissonLoss()

  • QuantileLoss()

  • RootMeanSquareError()

  • TripletLoss()

  • CalculateLucasNumber()

  • GetFibonacciNumber()



Library of functions related to Fast Fourier Transforms, frequency domain functions, methods of visualizing.

  • TextureGraph2D()

  • FrequencyToMel()

  • InverseMelScale()

  • DiscreteCosineTransform()

  • CalculateMFCC()

  • CalculateMelFilterBank()

  • ApplyMFCCFilterBank()



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