This project implements the Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) defined by the EV Roaming Foundation using Electron, a cross platform Open Source framework for creating native applications with web technologies like Java-/TypeScript, HTML, and (S)CSS. The focus of this project is testing and certification of the OCPI protocol and 3rd party vendor extensions. This project supports the following protocol versions and extensions:
- OCPI v2.1.1 (under development)
- OCPI v2.2.1 (under development)
- OCPI v2.3.0-rc2 (under development)
- OCPI v3.0 (experimental... there be dragons!)
Install the required Node.js modules...
$ npm install
In order to build SCSS styles, TypeScript, to bundle the Electron App using webpack, and to start in debug mode just enter:
Alternatively you can also start the app using a given OCPI Versions URL and an OCPI Acess Token, which might be BASE64 encoded before transmission.
All parameters are optional.
./ --url= --token=abcd --nobase64
./ --url= --token=abcd
In order to start without debugging:
electron .
Again you can also start the app using a given OCPI Versions URL and an OCPI Acess Token, which might be BASE64 encoded before transmission.
All parameters are optional.
electron . --url= --token=abcd --nobase64
electron . --url= --token=abcd
(Security) updates...
$ npm audit fix
$ npm update
Forced update of all Node.js modules...
$ ./