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Quick Reference v0.2

Jonathan Payne edited this page Feb 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

Quick Reference v0.2 reflects the latest version of the API specifications before the decision to switch to the GitHub style modeling in which users and organizations own the sources and collections.

API Endpoint:

URI Description
GET /sources Retrieve all sources
GET /sources?q=icd Search sources
GET /sources/[Source-Short-Code] Retrieve source by source short-code (e.g. "ampath", "snomed", "ciel", etc.)
POST /sources Create new source
POST /sources/[Source-Short-Code] Partial update of specified source
PUT /sources/[Source-Short-Code] Full update of specified source
DELETE /sources/[Source-Short-Code] Delete specified source
GET /sources/[Source-UUID] Retrieve source by UUID
GET /concepts Retrieve all concepts across all sources
GET /concepts?q=cough Search concepts across all sources
GET /concepts?[Filter-Name]=[Filter-Value] Search concepts with filter across all sources. Filters include: "class", "diagnosis"
GET /concepts?collections=[Collection-UUID] Retrieve all concepts in a collection
GET /concepts/[Concept-UUID] Retrieve one concept by global OCL UUID
GET /sources/[Source-Short-Code]/concepts/[Concept-Code] Retrieve one concept by source's internal ID (e.g. GET /sources/snomed/concepts/271737000)
POST /sources/[Source-Short-Code]/concepts Create a new concept (NOTE: If ID not automatically assigned, then the ID is required here)
POST /sources/[Source-Short-Code]/concepts/[Concept-Code] Partial update of specified concept
PUT /sources/[Source-Short-Code]/concepts/[Concept-Code] Full update of specified concept
DELETE /sources/[Source-Short-Code]/concepts/[Concept-Code] Delete the specified concept
collections (NOTE: Collections may also support short-codes)
GET /collections Retrieve all collections
GET /collections?q=antenatal Search collections
GET /collections?[Filter-Name]=[Filter-Value] Get collections with filter. Filters include: "owner"
GET /collections?concept=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Search collections by concept (e.g. GET /collection?concept=ciel:105949)
POST /collections Create new collection
POST /collections/[Collection-UUID] Partial update of specified collection
PUT /collections/[Collection-UUID] Full update of specified collection
DELETE /collections/[Collection-UUID] Delete specified collection
GET /mappings Retrieve all concept mappings
GET /mappings?concept=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Retrieve mappings FROM or TO a concept (e.g. GET /mappings?concept=snomed:12845003)
GET /mappings?conceptA=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Retrieve mappings originating FROM a concept (e.g. GET /mappings?conceptA=ciel:105949)
GET /mappings?conceptB=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Retrieve mappings pointing TO a concept (e.g. GET /mappings?conceptB=snomed:12845003)
GET /mappings?concept=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code],[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Retrieve mappings in any direction between 2 concepts (e.g. GET /mappings?concept=ciel:105949,snomed:12845003)
GET /mappings?conceptA=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code]&conceptB=[Source-Short-Code]:[Concept-Code] Retrieve mappings from a specified concept to a specified concept (e.g. GET /mappings?conceptA=ciel:105949&conceptB=snomed:12845003)
POST /mappings Create new mapping
POST /mappings/[Mapping-UUID] Partial update of the specified mapping
PUT /mappings/[Mapping-UUID] Full update of the specified mapping
DELETE /mappings/[Mapping-UUID] Delete the specified mapping by UUID
maptypes (NOTE: Maptypes may support short-codes)
GET /maptypes Retrieve all maptypes (e.g. "SAME AS")
GET /maptypes?q=narrow Search maptypes
GET /maptypes?[Filter-Name]=[Filter-Value] Retrieve maptypes with filter. Searches and one or more filters may be combined. Filters include: "source"
GET /maptypes/[Maptype-Short-Code] Get maptype by short-code [e.g. GET /maptypes/Same-As]
GET /maptypes/[Maptype-UUID] Get maptype by UUID
POST /maptypes Create new maptype
POST /maptypes/[Maptype-UUID] Partial update of specified maptype
PUT /maptypes/[Maptype-UUID] Full update of specified maptype
DELETE /maptypes/[Maptype-UUID] Delete specified maptype
classes (NOTE: Classes may support short-codes)
GET /classes Retrieve all classes
GET /classes?q=diagnosis Search classes
GET /classes?[Filter-Name]=[Filter-Value] Retrieve classes with filter. Searches and one or more filters may be combined. Filters include: "source"
GET /classes/[Class-Short-Code] Get class by short-code (e.g. GET /classes/Diagnosis)
GET /classes/[Class-UUID] Get class by UUID
POST /classes Create new class
POST /classes/[Class-UUID] Partial update of specified class
PUT /classes/[Class-UUID] Full update of specified class
DELETE /classes/[Class-UUID] Delete specified class
datatypes (NOTE: Datatypes may support short-codes)
GET /datatypes Retrieve all datatypes
GET /datatypes?q=number Search datatypes
GET /datatypes?[Filter-Name]=[Filter-Value] Retrieve datatypes with filter. Searches and one or more filters may be combined. Filters include: "source"
GET /datatypes/[Datatype-Short-Code] Get datatype by short-code (e.g. GET /datatypes/Numeric)
GET /datatypes/[Datatype-UUID] Get datatype by UUID
POST /datatypes Create new datatype
POST /datatypes/[Datatype-UUID] Partial update of specified datatype
PUT /datatypes/[Datatype-UUID] Full update of specified datatype
DELETE /datatypes/[Datatype-UUID] Delete specified datatype
GET /stars Get all stars
GET /stars?user=[Username] Get all stars for a user.
GET /stars?resourceType=[Resource-Type] Filter based on resource type. Supported types are "concept", "source", and "collection"
GET /stars?resourceUuid=[Resource-UUID] Get all stars for a resource (NOTE: This will not work for all resources!)
GET /stars?resourceUri=[Resource-URI] This would work for all resources... Maybe use a mixture?
GET /stars?user=[Username]&resourceUri=[Resource-URI] Get a star for a user on a single resource.
POST /stars Create new star
DELETE /stars/[Star-UUID] Delete a star... This is inconsistent with the rest of stars... maybe instead specify the username and uri?
GET /users Retrieve all users
GET /users?q=[Search-Criteria] Search users
GET /users/[Username] Get specified user by username
GET /users/[Username]/organizations Get organizations for the specified user
POST /users Create new user
POST /users/[Username] Partial update of user
PUT /users/[Username] Full update of user
DELETE /users/[Username] Delete user
GET /users/[User-UUID] Get specified user by UUID (non-preferred)
GET /organizations Retrieve all organizations
GET /organizations?q=[Search-Criteria] Search organizations
GET /organizations/[Organization-Name] Get specified organizations by name
GET /organizations/[Organization-Name]/users Get users that belong to this organization
POST /organizations Create new organization
POST /organizations/[Organization-Name] Partial update of organization
PUT /organizations/[Organization-Name] Full update of organization
DELETE /organizations/[Organization-Name] Delete organization
GET /organizations/[Organization-UUID] Get specified organization by UUID (non-preferred)

##Other Functionality##

Function URI Description
View Catalog GET /catalog Retrieve a list of all supported resources
List Resource Features GET /catalog/[Resource-Name] List supported verbs and attributes of a resource. E.g. GET /catalog/collections
Pagination GET /concepts?q=blood&count=15&startIndex=30 Control which and how many results are shown (Default: count=50, startIndex=0)
Format GET /concepts?q=blood&format=csv Supported formats are 'json' (default), 'csv'. More may be added in the future
Sort Ascending GET /concepts?q=blood&sortAsc=class Sort by the specified field in ascending order (see the resource documentation for supported fields)
Sort Descending GET /concepts?q=blood&sortDesc=display Sort by the specified field in descending order (see the resource documentation for supported fields)
Updated Since GET /concepts?source=ciel&updatedSince=2011-11-16T14:26:15Z
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