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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 11, 2021. It is now read-only.


paynejd edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 54 revisions

Table of Contents



Concept Versions

Concept Names

Concept Descriptions

Extra Concept Metadata


The API exposes a representation of concepts. Concepts are stored in Sources, such as CIEL, ICD-10, or WHO-IMR. Collections provide versioned containers of references to concepts across sources.

Concepts have 3 fields that act as sub-resources: names, descriptions, and extras. This allows names, descriptions, and extra metadata to be referenced, viewed, edited, or deleted individually rather than as a whole. These fields are returned with the concept when requesting the full concept details (e.g. GET /.../concepts/A10.9/)

Concept Shorthand

Concepts are sometimes referred to in shorthand, rather than their fully specified URL:

# Get the latest version of a concept

# Get the concept from a specific version of the source

# Get a specific version of a concept 

For example, each set points to the same concepts:

  • Fully specified:
  • Short-hand:
    • WHO:ICD-10:A10.9
    • Regenstrief:LOINC[2.43]:32700-7
    • MySDO:RainMED:2962[1d35]

Versioning of concepts

All changes to concepts are tracked internally. The latest version of a concept is retrieved if no version identifiers (for the source or concept) are specified. If a source version identifier is specified, then the version of the concept at the time the source version was created is used. Alternatively, specific versions of concepts may also be retrieved.


Get a single concept

  • Get the latest version of a single concept of a source owned by an organization or user
GET /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
GET /users/:user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
GET /user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
  • Get the concept from the specified version of the source
GET /orgs/:org/sources/:source/:sourceVersion/concepts/:concept/
GET /users/:user/sources/:source/:sourceVersion/concepts/:concept/
GET /user/sources/:source/:sourceVersion/concepts/:concept/
  • Get a specific version of a concept
GET /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/:conceptVersion/
GET /users/:user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/:conceptVersion/
GET /user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/:conceptVersion/
  • Notes:
    • The field "is_latest_concept_version" is true if returned concept is the latest version of the concept; the field is omitted otherwise.
    • "previous_version" field is set to the UUID of the prior version of the concept, if it exists.
    • "names", "descriptions", and "extras" are returned in full along with the concept details.

Example Request

  • Get the current version of a concept from the WHO:ICD-10
GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/A15.1/


  • Status: 200 OK
    "type": "Concept",
    "uuid": "8d492ee0-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
    "id": "A15.1",

    "concept_class": "Diagnosis",
    "datatype": "None",
    "retired": false,

    "display_name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
    "display_locale": "en",

    "names": [
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
            "name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
            "locale": "en",
            "locale_preferred": "true",
            "name_type": None
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "90jmcna4-lkdhf78",
            "name": "Tuberculose pulmonaire, confirmée par culture seulement",
            "locale": "fr",
            "locale_preferred": "true",
            "name_type": None
    "descriptions": [
            "type": "ConceptDescription",
            "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh"
            "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
            "locale": "en",
            "locale_preferred": "true",
            "description_type": None

    "extras": {
        "parent": "A15"

    "source": "ICD-10",
    "owner": "WHO",
    "owner_type": "Organization",

    "is_latest_concept_version": "true",
    "version": "abc345jf9fj",
    "previous_version": "10393930df3",

    "url": "",
    "version_url": "",
    "source_url": "",
    "owner_url": "",
    "mappings_url": "",

    "versions": 9,
    "stars": 6,
    "collections": 2,

    "created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
    "created_by": "johndoe",
    "updated_on": "2008-02-18T09:10:16Z",
    "updated_by": "johndoe"

List concepts for a specific source

  • List all concepts for an organization's source based on its current state - NOTE: Retired concepts are excluded by default
GET /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/
  • List all concepts for a specific version of a source - NOTE: Retired concepts are excluded by default
GET /orgs/:org/sources/:source/:sourceVersion/concepts/
  • Parameters
    • verbose (optional) string - default is false; set to true to return full concept results instead of the concept summary
    • q (optional) string - search criteria (searches across mnemonic, and all names and descriptions for the DEFAULT_LOCALE)
    • sortAsc/sortDesc (optional) string - sort results according to one of the following attributes: "name", "last_update" (default), "num_stars"
    • concept_class (optional) string - filter results to those within a particular concept class, e.g. "laboratory procedure"
    • datatype (optional) string - filter results to those of a given datatype, e.g. NEED EXAMPLE
    • locale (optional) string - filter results to those with a name for the given locale, e.g. "en", "fr"
    • includeRetired (optional) integer - 1 or 0, default 0
    • (??) mapcode (optional) string - e.g. IHTSDO:SNOMED-CT:123455 - not clear on the implementation of this using current architecture


GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/?q=tuberculosis


  • Status: 200 OK
        "id": "A15.1",
        "concept_class": "Diagnosis",
        "datatype": "None",
        "retired": false,
        "source": "ICD-10",
        "owner": "WHO",
        "owner_type": "Organization",
        "owner_url": "",
        "display_name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
        "display_locale": "en",
        "version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "is_latest_concept_version": "true",
        "url": "",
        "version_url": ""

List concepts across sources

  • List concepts across sources from all users and organizations - NOTE: Retired concepts are excluded by default
GET /concepts/
  • Parameters
    • verbose (optional) string - default is false; set to true to return full concept results instead of the concept summary
    • q (optional) string - search criteria
    • class (optional) string
    • datatype (optional) string
    • includeRetired (optional) integer - 1 or 0, default 0
    • user (optional) string - username; cannot be used with org
    • org (optional) string - organization name; cannot be used with user
    • (??) mapcode (optional) string - e.g. IHTSDO:SNOMED-CT:123455 - not clear on the implementation of this using current architecture


GET /concepts/?q=tuberculosis


  • Status: 200 OK
        "id": "A15.1",
        "concept_class": "Diagnosis",
        "datatype": "None",
        "retired": false,
        "source": "ICD-10",
        "owner": "WHO",
        "owner_type": "Organization",
        "owner_url": "",
        "display_name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
        "display_locale": "en",
        "version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "is_latest_concept_version": "true",
        "url": "",
        "version_url": ""

Create new concept

  • Create a new concept in a source
POST /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/
POST /users/:user/sources/:source/concepts/
POST /user/sources/:source/concepts/
  • Input
    • id (required) string - unique identifier for concept, e.g. 145939019, A15.1, etc.
    • concept_class (required) string - classification of the concept (e.g. Diagnosis, Procedure, etc.)
    • datatype (optional) string - datatype for the concept (e.g. Numeric, String, Coded)
    • names (required) list - at least one name is required
      • name (required) string -
      • locale (required) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
      • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
      • name_type (optional) - additional name descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
    • descriptions (optional) list
      • description (required)
      • locale (required)
      • locale_preferred (optional) - default is "false"
      • description_type (optional) - additional descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
    • extras (optional) JSON dictionary - additional metadata for the resource
  • Notes
    • At least one name must be submitted when the concept is created in order to set the "display_name" and "display_locale" fields
    • "descriptions", "extras", and additional "names" may be submitted with the concept details, in addition to being created after the fact by posting to the sub-resource (e.g. POST /.../concepts/12845003/names/)


  • POST /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/
    "id": "12845003",
    "concept_class": "Laboratory Procedure",
    "datatype": "N/A",
    "names": [
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
            "name": "Malaria smear",
            "locale": "en",
            "locale_preferred": "true",
            "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
            "name": "Malaria smear (procedure)",
            "locale": "en",
            "name_type": "Full Form of Descriptor"

    "extras": {
        "UMLS_CUI": "C0200703",
        "ISPRIMITIVE": "1"


    "type": "Concept",
    "uuid": "8d492ee0-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd02",
    "id": "12845003",

    "concept_class": "Laboratory Procedure",
    "retired": false,

    "names": [
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
            "name": "Malaria smear",
            "locale": "en",
            "locale_preferred": "true",
            "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"
            "type": "ConceptName",
            "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
            "name": "Malaria smear (procedure)",
            "locale": "en",
            "name_type": "Full Form of Descriptor"

    "source": "SNOMED-CT",
    "owner": "IHTSDO",
    "owner_type": "Organization",

    "version": "73jifjibL83",
    "is_latest_concept_version": "true",

    "url": "",
    "version_url": "",
    "source_url": "",
    "owner_url": "",
    "mappings_url": "",

    "versions": 1,
    "stars": 0,
    "collections": 0,

    "created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
    "created_by": "johndoe",
    "updated_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
    "updated_by": "johndoe",

    "extras": {
        "UMLS_CUI": "C0200703",
        "ISPRIMITIVE": "1"

Edit concept

  • Edit a concept - this creates a new version of the concept
POST /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
POST /users/:user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
POST /user/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
  • Input
    • concept_class (optional) string - classification of the concept (e.g. Diagnosis, Procedure, etc.)
    • datatype (optional) string - datatype for the concept (e.g. Numeric, String, Coded)
    • names (optional)
      • name (optional) string -
      • locale (optional) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
      • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
      • name_type (optional) - additional name descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
    • descriptions (optional)
      • description (optional)
      • locale (optional)
      • locale_preferred (optional) - default is "false"
      • description_type (optional) - additional description descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
    • update_comment (optional) string - text describing the reason for the update
  • Notes
    • "names", "descriptions", and "extras" may be submitted with the concept details to update, but note that this approach will replace all of the names, descriptions, or extras with the newly submitted values. Use the sub-resources to create, edit, or delete individual values (e.g. POST /.../concepts/12845003/names/19jfjf9j3j/)


  • Status: 200 OK
  • Returns the full JSON representation of the updated concept (same as above)

Retire concept

  • Retire a concept
DELETE /orgs/:org/sources/:source/concepts/:concept/
  • Notes
    • DELETE does not actually delete the concept; a retired concept is a new version of the concept with "retired" set to true, so that by default it is not returned in searches unless specifically requested. The "retired" status also indicates to users that the concept should not be used.
  • Parameters
    • update_comment (optional) string - text describing the reason for retiring the concept; this field is saved to the concept version


  • Status: 204 No Content

List versions of a concept

  • List all versions of a specific concept
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/versions/
  • Notes
    • "is_latest_concept_version" is set to true if the version is the latest version of the concept
    • "is_root_concept_version" is set to true if the version is the initial submission (the "root") of the concept
    • "update_comment" is user-generated text describing the reason for the new version, similar to a GitHub commit comment
  • Parameters
    • verbose (optional) string - set to true to include the full concept details along with the version metadata


  • If verbose is "false" (the default), then only the version metadata is returned:
Request: GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/A15.1/versions/
Status: 200 OK
        "version": "a93-3j8083-d993mf",
        "previous_version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "url": "",
        "previous_version_url": "",
        "version_created_on": "2009-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_created_by": "johndoe",
        "is_latest_concept_version": "true",
        "update_comment": "Updated the descriptions"
        "version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "is_root_concept_version": "true",
        "url": "",
        "version_created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_replaced_on": "2009-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_created_by": "johndoe",
        "update_comment": "Initial submission"
  • If verbose is "true", then the full concept details are returned with version metadata:
Request: GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/A15.1/versions/?verbose=true
Status: 200 OK
        "type": "ConceptVersion",
        "version": "a93-3j8083-d993mf",
        "previous_version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "url": "",
        "previous_version_url": "",
        "version_created_on": "2009-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_created_by": "johndoe",
        "is_latest_concept_version": "true",
        "update_comment": "Updated the descriptions",
        "concept": {
            # Full concept details are included here, the same as if requesting:
            # GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/A15.1/a93-3j8083-d993mf/
        "type": "ConceptVersion",
        "version": "abc345jf9fj",
        "is_root_concept_version": "true",
        "url": "",
        "version_created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_replaced_on": "2009-01-14T04:33:35Z",
        "version_created_by": "johndoe",
        "update_comment": "Initial submission",
        "concept": {
            # Full concept details are included here, the same as if requesting:
            # GET /orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/A15.1/abc345jf9fj/

Get a single concept name

  • Get a single concept name
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/


  • GET /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/names/akdiejf93jf939f9/


  • Status: 200 OK
    "type": "ConceptName",
    "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
    "name": "Malaria smear",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"

List concept names

  • List concept names
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
  • Parameters
    • q (optional) string - search criteria (based on the name field)
    • locale (optional) string - filter by locale
    • name_type (optional) - filter by name_type


  • GET /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/names/


  • Status: 200 OK
        "type": "ConceptName",
        "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
        "name": "Malaria smear",
        "locale": "en",
        "locale_preferred": "true",
        "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"
        "type": "ConceptName",
        "uuid": "a93-3j8083-d993mf",
        "name": "Malaria smear (procedure)",
        "locale": "en",
        "name_type": "Full Form of Descriptor"

Create new concept name

  • Create a new concept name
POST /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
POST /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
POST /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/
  • Input
    • name (required) string -
    • locale (required) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
    • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
    • name_type (optional) - additional name descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
  • Notes
    • Concept names are part of a concept, therefore creating a concept name will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • POST /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/names/
    "name": "Malaria smear",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"


    "type": "ConceptName",
    "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
    "name": "Malaria smear",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"

Edit concept name

  • Edit concept name
POST /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
POST /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
POST /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
  • Input
    • name (required) string -
    • locale (required) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
    • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
    • name_type (optional) - additional name descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
  • Notes
    • Concept names are part of a concept, therefore updating a concept name will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • POST /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/names/akdiejf93jf939f9/
    "name": "Malaria smear and banana sundae"


  • Status: 200 OK
    "type": "ConceptName",
    "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
    "name": "Malaria smear and banana sundae",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "name_type": "Designated Preferred Name"

Delete concept name

  • Delete concept name
DELETE /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
DELETE /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
DELETE /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/names/:name_id/
  • Notes
    • Concept names are part of a concept, therefore deleting a concept name will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • DELETE /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/names/akdiejf93jf939f9/


  • Status: 204 No Content

Get a single concept description

  • Get a single concept description
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/


  • GET /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/descriptions/aY873Hbmkdi09jeh/


  • Status: 200 OK
    "type": "ConceptDescription",
    "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh",
    "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "description_type": None

List concept descriptions

  • List concept descriptions
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
  • Parameters
    • q (optional) string - search criteria (based on the description field)
    • locale (optional) string - filter by locale
    • description_type (optional) - filter by description_type


  • GET /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/descriptions/


  • Status: 200 OK
        "type": "ConceptDescription",
        "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh",
        "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
        "locale": "en",
        "locale_preferred": "true",
        "description_type": None
        "type": "ConceptDescription",
        "uuid": "99fhfhufeh-9ehAAB",
        "description": "Another less relevant and more lengthy description here",
        "locale": "en",
        "locale_preferred": "false",
        "description_type": None

Create new concept description

  • Create a new concept description
POST /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
POST /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
POST /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/
  • Input
    • description (required) string -
    • locale (required) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
    • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
    • description_type (optional) - additional description descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
  • Notes
    • Concept descriptions are part of a concept, therefore creating a concept description will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • POST /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/descriptions/
    "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true"


    "type": "ConceptDescription",
    "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh",
    "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "description_type": None

Edit concept description

  • Edit concept description
POST /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
POST /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
POST /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
  • Input
    • description (required) string -
    • locale (required) string - 2-character language code, e.g. "en", "es"
    • locale_preferred (optional) - "true" or "false", default is "false",
    • description_type (optional) - additional description descriptor, such as those used in SNOMED CT
  • Notes
    • Concept descriptions are part of a concept, therefore updating a concept description will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • POST /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/descriptions/aY873Hbmkdi09jeh/
    "description": "Culture-only confirmation of tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, or pneumothorax"


  • Status: 200 OK
    "type": "ConceptDescription",
    "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh",
    "description": "Culture-only confirmation of tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, or pneumothorax",
    "locale": "en",
    "locale_preferred": "true",
    "description_type": None

Delete concept description

  • Delete concept description
DELETE /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
DELETE /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
DELETE /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/descriptions/:description_id/
  • Notes
    • Concept descriptions are part of a concept, therefore deleting a concept description will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • DELETE /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/descriptions/aY873Hbmkdi09jeh/


  • Status: 204 No Content

Get a single extra

  • Get a single extra
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/


  • GET /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/extras/isprimitive/


  • Status: 200 OK
    "isprimitive": "true"

List all extras

  • List all extras
GET /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/
GET /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/
GET /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/


  • Status: 200 OK
    "isprimitive": "true",
    "UMLS_CUI": "C0200703",
    "list-data": [ "1", "ab" ],
    "dictionary-data": { "more": "data" }

Create or Update an extra

  • Create or update an extra
PUT /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
PUT /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
PUT /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
(was POST)
  • Notes
    • Extras are part of a concept, therefore creating or updating an extra will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • PUT /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/extras/isprimitive/
    "isprimitive": "false"


  • Status: 200 OK
    "isprimitive": "false"

Delete an extra

  • Delete an extra
DELETE /orgs/:org/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
DELETE /users/:user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
DELETE /user/source/:source/concepts/:concept/extras/:field_name/
  • Notes
    • Extras are part of a concept, therefore deleting an extra will generate a new version of the underlying concept


  • DELETE /orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED-CT/concepts/12845003/extras/isprimitive/


  • Status: 204 No Content

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