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Champion Program

Alberto P. Marti edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

The OpenNebula Champions are an exclusive group of passionate technology and community leaders that represent OpenNebula, help sustain and grow its user base, and act as a liaison between other open-source projects and their communities.

What is the Role of a Champion?

Champions are passionate volunteers who work to connect, teach and spread OpenNebula globally. Some of the roles that a Champion can play are:

  • Be a go-to resource for people interested in OpenNebula
    • Inspire, recruit and support new users and contributors
    • Solicit, gather and share feedback from users
    • Answer questions at events, on social media, blogs, etc.
  • Represent the OpenNebula project
    • Speak and demonstrate OpenNebula at industry events
    • Participate in local meetups, user groups, etc.
    • Act as a liaison with other open-source projects
  • Spread the word of OpenNebula
    • Organize community local events (TechDay, hands-on tutorial, lecture or meetup)
    • Publish blog posts
    • Engage in discussions in blogs and social media

How the Project Supports its Champions?

The project provides the following support to its Champions:

  • Visibility in the [Community Champions] ( section at
  • Participation in the exclusive Champions mailing list where you get the opportunity to provide feedback, ideas, and direction that will help grow OpenNebula
  • Free pass to OpenNebula Conferences and Events
  • Marketing and training material for your community events
  • Promotion of your community events and presentations
  • Funding for all expenses incurred while representing the project

Champions are selected through a peer review process based on their (1) exemplary contributions to, and outstanding engagement with, the OpenNebula community, and their (2) geographic location.

You can check our [Community Champions] ( page to see the select group of current OpenNebula Champions.

Apply to become an OpenNebula Champion