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OST Wallet UI Android


For quick and easy integration with SDK, developers can use built-in User Interface Components which are themeable and support content customization.


To setup OstWalletUI, please refer setup.

OstWalletUI SDK APIs

Important Notes

  1. App must initialize the sdk before initiating any UI workflows.
  2. App must perform setupDevice workflow before initiating any UI workflows.

To use OstWalletUI

import com.ost.walletsdk.ui.OstWalletUI;

Set Theme Config

Theme for OstWalletUI can be initialized by calling setThemeConfig API. To define custom theme config, please refer ThemeConfig documentation.

 config: Config to use for UI

  • Create config file by title theme-config.json in assets directory
try {
     InputStream configInputStream = context.getAssets().open("theme-config.json");
     int size = configInputStream.available();
     byte[] buffer = new byte[size];;

     String json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");
     JSONObject themeConfig = new JSONObject(json);

     } catch (Exception e) {
        //Error handling

Get Theme Config

Get currently applied theme config from sdk.


Set Content Config

Content for OstWalletUI can be initialized by calling setContentConfig API. To define custom content config, please refer ContentConfig documentation.

 config: Config to use for UI

  • Create config file by title content-config.json in assets directory For detailed explaination of how to build Content Config. Ref
try {
     InputStream configInputStream = context.getAssets().open("content-config.json");
     int size = configInputStream.available();
     byte[] buffer = new byte[size];;

     String json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");
     JSONObject themeConfig = new JSONObject(json);

     } catch (Exception e) {
        //Error handling

Set Loader Manager

Application loader for OstWalletUI can be initialized by calling setLoaderManager API.
To setup application loader, please refer CustomLoader documentation.

 loaderManager: class which inherits OstLoaderFragment protocol


Activate User

User activation refers to the deployment of smart-contracts that form the user's Brand Token wallet. An activated user can engage with a Brand Token economy.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 expireAfterInSec: Session key valid duration
 spendingLimit: Spending limit in a transaction in atto BT
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.activateUser(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                         String userId,
                         long expiredAfterSecs,
                         String spendingLimit,
                         OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                         ) -> String

Authorize session

A session is a period of time during which a sessionKey is authorized to sign transactions under a pre-set limit on behalf of the user. The device manager, which controls the tokens, authorizes sessions.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 expireAfterInSec: Session key validat duration
 spendingLimit: Spending limit in a transaction in atto BT
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.createSession(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                          String userId,
                          long expireAfterInSec,
                          String spendingLimit,
                          OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                          ) -> String

Get Mnemonic Phrase

The mnemonic phrase represents a human-readable way to authorize a new device. This phrase is 12 words long.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.getDeviceMnemonics(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                              String userId,
                              OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                              ) -> String

Reset a User's PIN

The user's PIN is set when activating the user. This method supports re-setting a PIN and re-creating the recoveryOwner as part of that.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.resetPin(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                     String userId,
                     OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                     ) -> String

Initialize Recovery

A user can control their Brand Tokens using their authorized devices. If they lose their authorized device, they can recover access to their BrandTokens by authorizing a new device via the recovery process. To use built-in device list UI, pass recoverDeviceAddress as null.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 recoverDeviceAddress: Device address which wants to recover. When null is passed, the user is asked to choose a device.
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

If application set recoverDeviceAddress then OstWalletUI ask for pin to initiate device recovery. Else it displays authorized device list for given userId to select device from.

OstWalletUI.initiateDeviceRecovery(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                   String userId,
                                   @Nullable String recoverDeviceAddress,
                                   OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                   ) -> String

Abort Device Recovery

To abort initiated device recovery.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.abortDeviceRecovery(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                String userId,
                                OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                ) -> String

Revoke Device

To revoke device access. To use built-in device list UI, pass revokeDeviceAddress as null.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 revokeDeviceAddress: Device address to revoke. When null is passed, the user is asked to choose a device.
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

If application set revokeDeviceAddress then OstWalletUI ask for pin to revoke device. Else it displays authorized device list for given userId to select device from.

OstWalletUI.revokeDevice(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                         String userId,
                         @Nullable String revokeDeviceAddress,
                         OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                         ) -> String

Update Biometric Preference

This method can be used to enable or disable the biometric.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 enable: Preference to use biometric
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.updateBiometricPreference(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String userId,
                                      boolean enable,
                                      OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                      ) -> String

Authorize Current Device With Mnemonics

This workflow should be used to add a new device using 12 words recovery phrase.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.authorizeCurrentDeviceWithMnemonics(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String userId,
                                      OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                      ) -> String

Get Add Device QR Code

This workflow shows QR Code to scan from another authorized device

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.getAddDeviceQRCode(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String userId,
                                      ) -> String

Scan QR Code To Authorize Device

This workflow can be used to authorize device by scanning QR Code.

The device to be authorized must be a REGISTERED device and must be associated with the same user. To display the QR code on registered device, application can use OstWalletUI.getAddDeviceQRCode workflow.

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 qrPayload: Payload same as QR payload, Passing this value will skip QR-code scanner.
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.scanQRCodeToAuthorizeDevice(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String qrPayload,
                                      String userId,
                                      OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                      ) -> String

Scan QR Code To Execute Transaction

This workflow can be used to execute transaction by scanning transaction QR Code.

QR Code Sample:

            "rn":"direct transfer",
            "tid": 1140,
                    "s": "$"
            "td":"Thanks for comment"

 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 qrPayload: Payload same as QR payload, Passing this value will skip QR-code scanner.
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.scanQRCodeToExecuteTransaction(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String qrPayload,
                                      String userId,
                                      ) -> String

Scan QR Code To Authorize Session

This workflow can be used to authorize Session by scanning QR Code.

QR-Code Sample:


 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate
 qrPayload: Payload same as QR payload, Passing this value will skip QR-code scanner.
 userId: OST Platform user id provided by application server
 userPassphraseCallback: Callback implementation object to get passphrase prefix from application

 Returns: Workflow Id(use to subscribe object to listen callbacks from particular workflow id)

OstWalletUI.scanQRCodeToAuthorizeSession(@NonNull Activity currentActivity,
                                      String qrPayload,
                                      String userId,
                                      OstUserPassphraseCallback userPassphraseCallback
                                      ) -> String


Subscribe to specified event of UI Workflow Parameters
 workflowId: Id of the workflow as returned by methods of OstWalletUI
 listner: Callback implementation object to listen events

OstWalletUI.subscribe(String workflowId,
                      OstWalletUIListener listener)


Unsubscribes the listner from the specified event of UI Workflow. Parameters
 workflowId: Id of the workflow as returned by methods of OstWalletUI
 listner: Callback implementation object to remove from listing events

OstWalletUI.unsubscribe(String workflowId,
                      OstWalletUIListener listener)

View Component Sheet

Component sheet is collection of all components present in OstWalletUI. Developers can verify how components are going to look with provied theme. Parameters
 currentActivity: Context of current activity of the application from which workflow will initiate

OstWalletUI.showComponentSheet(@NonNull Activity currentActivity)

UI Workflow Delegates


     * Get passphrase prefix from application
     * @param userId Ost user id
     * @param ostWorkflowContext Workflow context
     * @param ostPassphraseAcceptor Passphrase prefix accept callback
   void getPassphrase(String userId,
                   OstWorkflowContext ostWorkflowContext,
                   OstPassphraseAcceptor ostPassphraseAcceptor)

    * To get workflowId call workflowContext.getWorkflowId() method.
    * To identify the workflow type, use workflowContext.getWorkflowType() property.


This is a markup interface and does not define any methods. The the interfaces defined below are extended from this interface.

Request Acknowledged Listener

Implement RequestAcknowledgedListener interface to get request acknowlege updates of UI workflow.

     * Acknowledge user about the request which is going to make by SDK.
     * @param ostWorkflowContext A context that describes the workflow for which the callback was triggered with workflow id.
     * @param ostContextEntity Context Entity
   void requestAcknowledged(OstWorkflowContext ostWorkflowContext,
                         OstContextEntity ostContextEntity)

    * To get workflowId call workflowContext.getWorkflowId() method.
    * To identify the workflow type, use workflowContext.getWorkflowType() property.

Flow Complete Listener

Implement FlowCompleteListener interface to get flow complete update of UI workflow

     * Inform SDK user that the flow is complete.
     * @param ostWorkflowContext A context that describes the workflow for which the callback was triggered with workflow id.
     * @param ostContextEntity Context Entity
   void flowComplete(OstWorkflowContext ostWorkflowContext,
                  OstContextEntity ostContextEntity);

    * To get workflowId call workflowContext.getWorkflowId() method.
    * To identify the workflow type, use workflowContext.getWorkflowType() property.

Flow Interrupt Listener

Implement FlowInterruptListener interface to get flow interrupt update of UI workflow

     * Inform SDK user that flow is interrupted with errorCode.
     * @param ostWorkflowContext A context that describes the workflow for which the callback was triggered with workflow id.
     * @param ostError Error Entity
   void flowInterrupt(OstWorkflowContext ostWorkflowContext,
                   OstError ostError);

    * To get workflowId call workflowContext.getWorkflowId() method.
    * To identify the workflow type, use workflowContext.getWorkflowType() property.