{id: Id;}
It is only allowed, if the given speaker is waiting.
If the given speaker has speech_state == "interposed_question"
, pause the current speaker via speaker.pause
. Otherwise, stop the current speaker (if it exists) via speaker.end_speech
Starts the speech of the given speaker: Sets begin_time
to the current system time.
If meeting/list_of_speakers_couple_countdown
is true, the countdown given by
must be restarted (see
If the given speaker has speech_state == "intervention"
, the countdown_time
of the countdown has to be set to current_timestamp + meeting/list_of_speakers_intervention_time
If the given speaker has speech_state == "interposed_question"
, the countdown_time
of the countdown has to be set to current_timestamp
If the given speaker has a structure_level_id
set, the current_start_time
of the structure level
has to be set to the speaker's begin_time
The request user needs list_of_speakers.can_manage