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Municipal Money

Municipal Money is a project between the South African National Treasury and OpenUp to make municipal finance information available to the public. It is made up of a citizen-facing app and an API.

In production, the two sites are served by one Django instance, using the hostname to determine which site to serve. In development, we use the SITE_ID environment variable to select the site, and run two instances when needed:

Site Production URL docker compose service name Django Sites ID
Public-friendly site scorecard 2
Data exploration/download UI and API portal 3

Local development setup

Scorecard website

If you only want to work on the Scorecard website you can run it with a small sample of demo data to be able to see the scorecard features without loading a full database dump. The site will use pre-calculated financials and link to the production data/API site for detail.

In one terminal, run

docker compose run --rm scorecard yarn dev
docker compose up -d postgres
docker compose run --rm scorecard python migrate
docker compose run --rm scorecard python loaddata demo-data demo-household infra-demo-data seeddata
docker compose up scorecard

If you are working on the javascript or CSS on the site also run yarn dev in another terminal.

Import seed data for cube items

docker compose run --rm scorecard python loaddata aged_creditor_items_v1

To create an admin user for local development, run

docker compose run --rm scorecard python createsuperuser

Data portal website

If you want to run the API and data portal locally using docker compose you also need to:

  1. Dump the production database.
  2. Load the production database dump into your docker compose postgres instance (this will take at least 40 minutes) with something like:
docker compose run --rm -v /home/user/folder-containing-dumpdata/:/data \
   portal pg_restore -h postgres -U municipal_finance -d municipal_finance /data/dumpfile
  1. Run the data portal:
docker compose up portal

Linting JavaScript

Run ESLint using

docker compose run --rm scorecard yarn lint

Automatically fix problems

docker compose run --rm scorecard yarn lint --fix

Demo data

A small number of municipalities are used for demo data. They are selected to satisfy the following needs:

  • minimal data to minimise effort in checking changes to the demo data
  • a metros to demonstrate metro-only functionality
  • a district to demonstrate navigation to local municipalities via districts on the map
  • a local municipality
  • at least two examples of each in different provinces to demonstrate comparison to similar municipalities

The following municipalities are available in the demo data:

TSH, BUF, GT483, GT481, EC109, EC108, DC48, DC12, DC10, 

Maintaining demo data

Ensure you only have the demo data municipalities and only their data in the database.

You need fiscal data loaded for at least the demo municipalities to be able to rebuild their profiles.

Run a profile rebuild.


docker compose run --rm scorecard python dumpdata --indent 2 \
    scorecard.geography \
    scorecard.municipalityprofile \
    scorecard.mediangroup \
    scorecard.ratingcountgroup \
    > demo-data.json

For household bills run

docker compose run --rm scorecard python dumpdata --indent 2 \
    household.FinancialYear \
    household.BudgetPhase \
    household.HouseholdClass \
    household.HouseholdService \
    household.HouseholdServiceTotal \
    household.HouseholdBillTotal \
    > demo-househousehold.json

Run git diff and check that the diff looks sensible - that you're only adding/modifying what you intend to.

Commit the changes to git.

Importing Webflow exports

  1. Ensure that you have Node.JS installed. (tested with version 14.15.4)
  2. Run the import-webflow-export command, providing the path to the export file:
npx import-webflow-export /path/to/

Read more about the decision to use Webflow and best practices for using it here:

Infrastructure projects section

The infrastructure projects django app serves templates from a dedicated webflow project called Municipal Money Infrastructure Projects.

Manually import:

  • js, css, fonts to relevant folders in infrastructure/static
  • infrastructure-project.html to infrastructure/templates/infrastructure/project.dhtml
  • infrastructure-search.html to infrastructure/templates/infrastructure/search.dhtml

When importing the html files

  • Copy the files over
  • Do git diff -w to see what's changed without whitespace changes
  • Copy back the django template tags (which are not in the webflow export)
  • Copy back the script tags (which are also not in the webflow export)

These import steps are normally handled by import-webflow-export but that doesnt support multiple webflow projects in the same django project at the moment.


dokku config:set municipal-finance DJANGO_DEBUG=False \
                                   DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 \
                                   DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=... \

Running database migrations in production

When it makes sense to deploy first, and only then run migrations, it's best to do so in a linux screen or whatever remote shell you prefer to avoid losing your connection while it's running.

dokku run municipal-finance bash
PRELOAD_CUBES=false python migrate

If your migrations take more than 30s and you're not affecting masses of users during popular hours, you can extend the transaction timeout like so:

DB_STMT_TIMEOUT=30000000 PRELOAD_CUBES=false python migrate


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