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=== Spot.IM Comments ===
Contributors: spotim, itay9001, ramiy, maor, rzvagelsky, idanm
Tags: Comment, comment form, commenting, comments, comment author, comment form, comment system, comment template, comments box, community, discuss, discussion, discussions, commenter, live update, real time, realtime, real-time, Spot.IM, reply, social login, widget, social, moderation, community, communities, engagement, Facebook, profile, sharing, newsfeed, chat, chat interface, notification, notifications, SEO, retention, pageviews, email alerts, direct message, direct messaging, group message, group messaging, content, content circulation, UGC, user generated content, openweb,, OpenWeb,
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.2.2
Requires PHP: 5.4
Stable tag: 4.5.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: license.txt

Real-time comments widget turns your site into its own content-circulating ecosystem.

== Description ==

[Spot.IM]( is the next-generation user engagement platform that reimagines the way you think about your comment section. In only 5 minutes, you can turn your website's old comment section into something of real value by leveraging your users' conversations and social output.

Spot.IM incentivizes your users to create engaging User Generated Content through a beautiful, instantaneous chat UI. The best of those contributions are then exposed in the context of your professional content in the live, personalized Spot.IM Newsfeed. By implementing real-time social capabilities, Spot.IM creates on your site a content-circulating ecosystem. We keep the conversation about your content flowing, increasing on-site user engagement and loyalty, driving bounce rates down, and pageviews up.

You can't surrender your conversations to social networks and aggregators. For your brand to remain relevant in today's Internet, you need to be able to create meaningful communities around your own content, on your own site. Spot.IM gives you every tool you need to accomplish this and leap into the new generation of online publishing.

= Live Commenting, Actionable Notifications =

User engagement becomes truly in-the-moment with Spot.IM. We combine the familiar interface of a commenting section with the real-time capabilities of social networks and instant messengers. Typing users and submitted comments are seen instantaneously. Actionable, sticky notifications alert your users immediately to replies on their comments and other trending conversations across your site.

= Dynamic Newsfeed =

The Spot.IM Newsfeed enables websites to expose their content to their users in the most efficient way possible. The above-the-fold Newsfeed sorts and highlights the first 140 characters of each of your article's most fantastic user Reply, and displays that Reply in the context of the article. Being able to see what other users have to say is increasingly vital information for users when deciding whether your content is relevant and worth reading.

The Spot.IM Newsfeed automatically prioritizes both your professional and user-generated content uniquely for each of your site's visitors. It's about getting the right content to the right reader.

= Group and Private Messaging =

Your users see other online visitors and engage them in a free-flowing dialogue in either group or direct message.

= Mobile Integration =

Spot.IM on your site is automatically optimized for all mobile platforms, ensuring that your users get just as much out of your site when they're on the go as when they're at home.

= Prioritized Moderation =

Moderation can be time-consuming, and even expensive. Spot.IM provides you with an unprecedented degree of automation, ease, and control to take the hard work out of monitoring your site.

= Social Elements =

Spot.IM combines a host of features that keep your users engaged with your content and one another at all times. Rewards for posting, liking, and sharing incentivize your site's visitors to keep creating and interacting with content. Users can also directly tag one another in real time with a simple '@'. And of course, it goes without saying that all types of media are supported for sharing.

= See Spot.IM in Action =

Check out Time Inc's Entertainment Weekly for a live example of Spot.IM on one of the Internet's most popular sites.

= Features =

* **Live Commenting** – Typing users and submitted comments are seen in real time. No waiting, no delay, no frustrating load times.
* **Chat Interface** – A chat UI is integrated into the commenting experience to stimulate vibrant conversations. See if a user is online and engage in free-flowing dialogue.
* **Newsfeed** – Hot topics and trending conversations are presented in a cross-site Newsfeed, driving discussion, clicks, and pageviews. Newsfeed offers smart content recommendation to your readers.
* **Direct Messaging** – Community members can elect to talk privately, discuss your site’s content, and share common passions and interests.
* **Above-the-Fold** – The Newsfeed can be accessed by clicking on an unobtrusive, yet attractive button that constantly sits on the side of your website.
* **Mobile Integration** - Unlike other commenting platforms, Spot.IM’s mobile interface is smooth and easy to navigate, allowing your community to flourish even when it’s on the go.
* **Notifications** – Spot.IM instantly notifies your readers about new comments and hot conversations, so your content is circulated – and never missed.
* **Seamless Implementation** - Application of plugin within five minutes. User and commenting data imported or exported with a click.
* **Automatic registration** – Single Sign On (SSO) with a variety of different platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter)
* **@Mentions** – With a simple “@,” your community members can address each other within a conversation. Mentioned users get an actionable, mobile notification and an email alert even if he or she is offline.
* **Community Interfacing** – Beyond group and private messaging, users can like and share each other’s messages.
* **Gamification** – Spot.IM incentivizes your community by rewarding active contributors in your community with points and rankings. High-ranking community members push the level and flow of conversation.
* **Customization and Branding** – Make your community just that – yours – with a variety of customizable design options, including colors, schemes, and icons.
* **Moderation** – Advanced automatic, manual, and user moderation lets you eliminate trolls and spam, keeping your User Generated Content clean while allowing your star commenters to shine.
* **Media Sharing** – Videos, images, GIFs, you name it – Spot.IM’s system supports your community in bringing a little color to the conversation.
* **Analytics** – Find out who’s clicking, where, and why to optimize and get the most out of your content.
* **Language Support** – You can control your spot in 16 different languages.
* **SEO support**

For more information, please visit our website – Spot.IM

== Screenshots ==

1. Spot.IM Settings - General tab.
2. Spot.IM Settings - Display tab.
3. Spot.IM Settings - Comments Sync tab.
4. Spot.IM Settings - Advanced tab.
5. Spot.IM Meta Box - displayed on post, pages and other CPTs.
6. Spot.IM comments on site's frontend.
7. Spot.IM on desktop and mobile.
8. Spot.IM on tablet.
9. Spot.IM on mobile.
10. Spot.IM on mobile.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Installation Instructions =
1. In your WordPress Dashboard go to "Plugins" > "Add Plugin".
2. Search for "Spot.IM Comments".
3. Install the plugin by pressing the "Install" button.
4. Activate the plugin by pressing the "Activate" button.
5. Then go to the Spot.IM Plugin settings page (Spot.IM > Settings) and fill your Spot ID.

= Plugin Requirements =

**Minimum Requirements**

* WordPress version 4.0 or greater.
* PHP version 5.2.4 or greater.
* MySQL version 5.0 or greater.

**Recommended Requirements**

* The latest WordPress version.
* PHP version 7.0 or greater.
* MySQL version 5.6 or greater.

= How I can get Spot’s ID? =

You can get it sending them exported data to alongside contact details.

= If I don't set Spot’s ID what will happen? =

The standard comment form will be used.

= If I change Spot’s ID or selected owner what will be happen? =

Spot’s comments won't show your site comments that was saved by old Spot’s ID, only new comments will be shown.

= How I can change the selected owner? =

You can remove the plugin and install it again.

= Export data was finished but the download of exported file didn't start? =

Check the permission of the file `/plugin_dir/sample-data/export.json` or copy export text from textarea section on the finish step.

= Export data stop at XX%? =

It happens when you have too many comments and memory of the server does not lack. Contact with your hosting provider support and ask them to increase PHP memory limit. Or you if you have PHP knowledge you can put code `define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );` in your `wp-config.php` file.

You can read more here

= Which browsers will support my Spot? =

All popular browsers support Spot! (Note: Need to consult developers on this)

= How do I moderate content on my Spot? =

Spot.IM offers several moderation tools and options, all of which are either automatic, manual, or user-based. You can find all the information about our moderation tools here and also contact us at for any help, offers, or suggestions.

= How do I access Spot analytics? =

This feature, coming soon, will be available on our Manage page, which is also linked on the WordPress dashboard under the Spot.IM Plugin page.

= How does the Newsfeed work? Can I control what’s on it? =

The Newsfeed works through an algorithm that determines what trending and recent content on your website your users need to see. If you have questions about how that works in more depth, please contact us at

= What is SEO and does Spot support it? =

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When you’re asking if Spot.IM has SEO, you’re asking if Spot allows all of your User Generated Content (UGC) to be indexed on your site so that a search engine like Google, or Bing, can read it.

The answer to that question is yes! Spot.IM is SEO-compatible. Unlike other popular commenting systems like Disqus or Facebook Comments, Spot.IM not only allows your UGC to be indexed and searched, it indexes that content only on your site itself. Other commenting systems use their own 3rd party destination websites to index your UGC, which means that when keywords are searched, their content comes up, and not yours.

With Spot.IM, your content is your content, no matter if its an article you wrote or a user conversation in the comment section. This gives your website improved visibility in every way.

= How do I get mobile working for my Spot? =

Spot.IM is automatically mobile web compatible. All you need to do is set it up for your WordPress website using the Plugin instructions above, and you’ll have a beautiful, responsive, slick mobile commenting and Newsfeed interface that works on all phones and tablets.

No extra work necessary!

= How do I change the language of my Spot’s interface? =

Currently the Spot’s interface is partially translated into 16 languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian and Chinese. Soon to be fully translated.

The language of the user’s browser determines the language of the interface: If a user is using a browser in French, they will see the translated interface in French, etc.

= Is spam filtered? =

Yes. To go along with other moderation tools, Spot.IM offers extensive word filter, blacklist, and spam control tools.

= How much does it cost? =

Spot.IM is free! We care deeply about returning the power of content to publishers, and we want our product’s pricing to reflect that.

= How do I update my Spot? =

Like with other WordPress plugins, updating your Spot is easy. When an update is available, you’ll receive a notification on your site’s WordPress dashboard. From that dashboard, you’ll be able to quickly and easily update Spot.

= Where can I see a Spot working live to get a better idea of it? =

You can see some great live Spots at:

= Are there any tips or tricks I can use to help make my Spot – and my community – more vibrant? =

Why, how funny you should ask: there are! We strongly recommend you take a look at our Best Practices page to get a better idea o how to best utilize your Spot. A Spot is a versatile asset for your website, and you’ll want to manage it however best fits your specific needs.

= As a developer, how can I extend the plugin? =

The plugin supports many hooks. Developers can use them to modify the default behavior. You can add elements to comments / recirculation / siderail template, you can alter required capabilities to display admin settings, change the value of each data attribute in the embed code, and much more.

= My question wasn’t answered here. Where can I get further support? =

We know managing a website can get complicated. That’s why we made Spot.IM easy to use, even with its innovation. If you still need help with anything, try our very own Spot.Im Community site. From there, you can examine our Knoweldge Base, our Blog, and more.

You are also always more than welcome to contact our team at We’ll be glad to help.

== Changelog ==

= 4.5.2 =
* Add support for Star Rating Reviews.

= 4.5.1 =
* Update AMP templates to comply with WordPress VIP standard.

= 4.5.0 =
* Add AMP support for Comments and Recirculation.
* Add option to Enable / Disable Ad tags in AMP.
* Updated import process.
* Update Siderail embed code.
* Update default option to disable newsfeed on non-article pages.
* Hide Siderail widget on mobile devices.

= 4.4.0 =
* Add WordPress VIP standardization changes.
* Add option to enable / disable Newsfeed.
* Add option to display comments count on non singular pages.
* Update Siderail template.
* Fix error message display on comments sync process error.

= 4.3.8 =
* Comments counter hotfix
* Auto sync hotfix

= 4.3.7 =
* Added force sync button

= 4.3.0 =
* Add admin notice when global WordPress comments are disabled.
* Add the ability to output Open Graph tags in single pages.
* Add new "data-wp-v" attribute to track Spot.IM plugin version and WordPress version.
* Update all embed codes using the new launcher script.
* Update wrong ID used in "enale_seo" field.
* Seperate the Spot.IM NewsFeed from Spot.IM Comments.
* Better CPT support with improved checks for singular pages.
* Fix Manual Sync to display error log only when error messages are not empty.
* Fix Auto Sync when validating cron to check against all registered schedules, not only WordPress default schedules.
* Remove default value of deprecated "plugin_secret" field.
* Adding comments number feature
* Under the hood features
* Improve sync mechanism

= 4.2.0 =
* Add new Siderail Widget.
* Add new `[spotim_siderail]` shortcode to display the siderail everywhere.
* Allow the user to control where to display the Recirculation.
* Add new "data-disqus-shortname" attribute to the embed code.
* Add new "data-enable-seo" attribute to the embed code.
* Move "Manual Sync" to the "Advanced" tab.
* Add new report to the Manual Sync displaying post IDs when the import failed.
* Fix Sync bug that restricted the sync to 100 posts.
* Fix Sync bug that stopped the process when an error accord.
* Fix Sync bug that allowed the user to change "Posts Per Request" while Sync was running.
* Fix wrong field names in Auto Sync.
* Fix JSON Feed error for posts without comments, by setting default empty array.
* Remove the "Plugin Secret Token" field from the admin screen.
* Performance: Don't flush rewrite rules on every settings update.

= 4.1.0 =
* Fresh admin design.
* Add new tab linking to Spot.IM Dashboard.
* Add new "Advanced" tab.
* Rename "Import" tab to "WP Sync".
* Remove "Export" tab and the old export functionality.
* Simpler display options per post type - either Enable or Disable spotim functionality.
* Add the ability to control the number of comments displayed per page.
* Add the ability to control the comments template container class.
* Allow users to select the "Embed Method" and set the "Display Priority"
* When migrating from Disqus, now you can set custom Disqus identifier structure.
* When migrating from Facebook Comments, now the embed code has "data-facebook-url" attribute.
* Add new "data-post-url" attribute to the embed code, with the post URL.
* Add new "data-disqus-short-url" attribute to the embed code, with the post short URL.
* Add new "data-wp-import-endpoint" attribute to the embed code, With "spotim" feed URL.
* Add new feed type called "spotim", and a link to this feed from the embed code.
* Hooks: Filter all the data attributes in embed template.
* Backwards Compatibility: Fix singleton issue on `OW_Options()` class.
* Backwards Compatibility: Don't use short arrays syntax, to support sites using older PHP versions.
* Backwards Compatibility: Fix `empty()` checks in for sites using older PHP versions.

= 4.0.4 =
* [Code review]( for "[ VIP](" clients.
* Performance: Replace uncached query with cached query when running the import.
* Performance: Set max post per request to 100.
* Security: Prevent possible code injection vulnerabilities.
* Hooks: Add `spotim_menu_display_capability` filter that allows developers to filter the required capability to display Spot.IM settings.

= 4.0.3 =
* Bug Fix: update two files encoding to UTF-8 to fix a error on some servers / environments.

= 4.0.2 =
* [Code review]( for "[ VIP](" clients.
* Security: Escaping HTML attributes and URLs to prevent possible code injection vulnerabilities.
* i18n: Merge similar translation strings.

= 4.0.1 =
* i18n: Load text domain using `load_plugin_textdomain()` to fix the error message on

= 4.0.0 =
* [Code review]( for "[ VIP](" clients.
* New UI for Spot.IM settings page with tabs (General, Display, Import and Export tabs).
* Add support for all registered Custom Post Types, not only post and pages.
* Add Spot.IM Meta Box to posts, to allow users setup SpotIM setting for each post.
* Add "Spot.IM Community Question" support for "Spot.IM Comments" to increase engagement.
* Add "Spot.IM Recirculation" support to the WordPress plugin.
* Add `[spotim_comments]` shortcode to display comments everywhere.
* Add `[spotim_recirculation]` shortcode to display recirculation everywhere.
* Add a sidebar widget for Spot.IM Recirculation.
* Add auto-import feature to import content from Spot.IM to WordPress.
* Add export feature to export content from WordPress to Spot.IM.
* Add gulp tasks for textdomain-check and pot-file-generation.
* i18n: Update wrong translation textdomains to match the plugin slug.
* i18n: Add missing translation functions to translation strings.
* i18n: Use to translate the plugin.
* Security: Escape translation strings to prevent possible code injection using PO/MO files.
* Security: Prevent direct access to PHP files.
* Security: Prevent direct access to directories.
* Docs: Add phpDocs all over the code, to document everything.
* a11y: Remove deprecated admin icon from the plugin settings page.
* a11y: Replace `<h2>` with `<h1>` heading in the settings page.

= 3.0.0 =
* Import comments from Spot.IM to WordPress feature is out.
* Added features to options file.
* Restructure settings fields file.
* and many more stuff, you can check the full changelog at our github.

= 2.1.1 =
* Rearrange escaping and sanitization to the end of the functions.

= 2.1.0 =
* Added admin menu icon.
* Change the way we use templates and require templates.
* Validating, sanitizing, and escaping user data.
* Remove `lang` slug variable and replaced it with the string.
* More information -

= 2.0.3 =
* Change JavaScript loader.

= 2.0.2 =
* Fix for minimized html.

= 2.0.1 =
* Backward compatibility fix.

= 2.0.0 =
* New rewritten version.

= 1.10.6 =
* Fix a bug with an API.

= 1.10.5 =
* Move plugin's script from `wp_head` to `wp_footer` hook
* Fix a bug with filter comments number

= 1.10.4 =
* Remove comment sync and update frequency

= 1.10.3 =
* Added user comment export

= 1.10.1 =
* Updated to use `wp_new_comment()` function

= 1.10.1 =
* Updated to use `home_url()`

= 1.10.0 =
* Updated to use `conversation_url` during comment sync from Spot.IM

= 1.0.9 =
* Sync functionality of Spot.IM comments to WordPress.

= 1.0.8 =
* JSON Comment Export, Removed export option from plugin settings

= 1.0.7 =
* Added endpoint URL for import w/ JSON export of comments

= 1.0.6 =
* Added Disqus identifier and URL tags

= 1.0.5 =
* Added comment count

= 1.0.3 =
* Added padding to comment box, frontend
* Updated action links in settings page
* Various bug fixes

= 1.0.2 =
* Launch

== Upgrade notice ==

= 4.5.2 =
* Add support for Star Rating Reviews.