Ophrys is a simple web content management system for small associations and communities who want to communicate with each other inside and present the group on a public website.
The project is still under development.
To get the development version of this project, run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/Ophrys-Project/Ophrys.git $ cd Ophrys $ virtualenv --python=python3 .virtualenv $ source .virtualenv/bin/activate $ pip install https://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.6b2/tarball/ $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python create_custom_directory.py
Now you can customize the settings file in the ophrys_custom/
directory. After you have done this (or done nothing if you do not want to
customize the file), run the following command:
$ python manage.py syncdb
To start Django's development server, run the following command:
$ python manage.py runserver
To run the pep8 style guide checker and the tests, have a look at the commands you find in the .travis.yml file.
Good luck.
Ophrys uses: