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Jetpack net-log

Jetpack net-log is a package for Mozilla Addon-SDK that provides a easy way to use network resource tracer and page progress events.


Jetpack net-log is a Mozilla Addon-SDK package (not an extension). Just copy this repository to the packages directory of your extension or package. Then, add the following line in your package.json file:

  "dependencies": ["net-log"]

Resource tracer

Network resource tracer is available by requiring net-log/net-log. It provides the following functions:

registerBrowser(browser [,options])

Registers a new browser element. All network requests associated with the provided XUL Browser instance, browser, will be handled by events.

Note: if you call registerBrowser twice with the same browser argument, it will override the last registration.


request (request)

This event is emitted when a request starts. It received a request object.

response (response)

This event is emitted when a response is received, at every step of a response (when it starts, when data comes in and when it stops). It received a response object.

modifyrequest ({nsIChannel} request)

This raw event is emitted when a request starts and receives a nsIChannel instance. This is the place to tamper data if you need to.

examineresponse ({nsIChannel} request)

This raw event is emitted when a response is about to start (before TracingListener init) and receives a nsIChannel instance.

startresponse ({nsIChannel} request, context)

This raw event is emitted when a response starts.

dataavailable ({nsIChannel} request, context, data, offset, count)

This raw event is emitted when data are available.

stopresponse ({nsIChannel} request, context, statusCode)

This raw event is emitted when a response stops.

Note: options parameter can take any event as a callback with on suffix. For example:

registerBrowser(browser, {
    onRequest: function(request) {

Request and Response objects


This object is received by onRequest callback. It contains the following properties:

  • id: the number of the requested resource
  • method: http method
  • url: the URL of the requested resource
  • time: Date object containing the date of the request
  • headers: list of http headers

This object is received by onResponse callback. It contains the following properties:

  • id: the number of the requested resource
  • url: the URL of the requested resource
  • time: Date object containing the date of the response
  • headers: list of http headers
  • bodySize: size of the received content (entire content or chunk content)
  • contentType: the content type if specified
  • contentCharset: the charset of the content if specified
  • redirectURL: if there is a redirection, the redirected URL
  • stage: start, data or end
  • status: http status code. ex: 200
  • statusText: http status text. ex: OK
  • referrer: the resource referrer

Note: Response object contains an additional data property on stage data.


Returns a registered listener registered for provided browser. If no browser is registered, it returns null. It is a convenient way to "get or create":

let netlog = getListener(browser) || registerBrowser(browser);


Removes the browser from tracer.


This function registers observers needed to activate resource tracer. It is now activated when you call registerBrowser for the first time.


This function unregisters tracer observers.

Simple example

Somehow, you have a XUL browser instance.

let netlog = registerBrowser(browser, {
    // Handle request event in options
    onRequest: function(request) {
        console.log('REQUEST', '\t', request.url);

// Add a response handler
netlog.on('response', function(response) {
    console.log('RESPONSE', '\t', response.status, response.url);

// If you want to remove a event listener:
netlog.removeListener('response', myFunction);

Page progress

Page progress tracker is available by requiring net-log/page-progress and provides the following functions:

registerBrowser(browser [,options])

Registers a new browser element. It returns a event target instance on which you can add event handlers. As in net-log.registerBrowser you can pass event handlers in options with a on prefix.


loadstarted (url)

This event is emitted when load was asked.

transferstarted (url)

This event is emitted when page transfer starts.

contentloaded (status, url)

This event is emitted when page content is loaded. This is the equivalent event of DOMContentLoaded window event. status is a boolean indicating success or failure of loading.

loadstopped (status, url)

This event is emitted when browser stopped loading page. It happens juste before loadfinished.

loadfinished (status, url)

This event is emitted when the whole page is loaded. This is the equivalent event of load window event. status is a boolean indicating success or failure of loading.

urlerror (url)

This event is emitted if something went wrong while loading page. It could be a network error or a bad SSL certificate. Note that HTTP status code as nothing to do with the status.

urlchanged (url)

This event is emitted on any URL change but error.

statechange (progress, {nsIChannel} request, flags, status, isMain)

This raw event is called anytime progress listener state changes. isMain indicates if event comes from main window.

locationchange (progress, {nsIChannel} request, location, flags, isMain)

This raw event is called when location changes. isMain indicates if event comes from main window.

statuschange (progress, {nsIChannel} request, status, message, isMain)

This raw event is called on status change isMain indicates if event comes from main window.


Removes the browser from page progress listener.


Returns a registered listener registered for provided browser. If no browser is registered, it returns null. It is a convenient way to "get or create":

let netlog = getListener(browser) || registerBrowser(browser);

Extra: HAR collector

Net-log provides an utility lib to collect page and request information in HAR format. Module net-log/har provides the following function:

startCollector(browser [,options])

This function starts collecting HAR data for provided browser. It returns a object with the following properties and methods:

  • data: Collected data.
  • listener: Reference to the page-progress listener instance.
  • start(): Starts collector. Could take an url parameter (see example).
  • stop(): This function stops collector.
  • reset(): This function resets data property.

Note: Don't forget to stop any net-log and page-progress instances when needed.


options is an object with the following properties:

  • autoStart: Start collector immediately. Default to true.
  • wait: see collectfinish event.
  • captureTypes: An array of RegExp matching content-type you want to capture.
  • withImageInfo: If true, provides a property _imageInfo for images in responses.


data object is populated on the fly and never emptied unless you ask for reset(). Thus you can record a complete session on a website and stop it whenever you want.

data is conform to HAR format 1.2 with some additional fields:

  • entries[X]._url: Shorthand to `entries[X].request.url
  • entries[X].response._contentType: Content-Type without charset
  • entries[X].response._contentCharset: Content Charset
  • entries[X].response._referrer: Referrer URL
  • entries[X].response._imageInfo: Defined if resource is an image and withImageInfo option was set to true and contains width, height and animated properties.


All events are emited on page-progress instance (collector listener property).


This event is emitted when a page load was finish (plus a waiting time if specified by options.wait.

harentry (entry, request, responseStart, responseEnd, responseData)

This event allows you to get and manipulate HAR entries on the fly. Here is an example:

collector.getListener().on('harentry', function(entry, req, rStart, rEnd, data) {
    entry.response._foolishValue = entry.response.bodySize * 2;


Get page source code

To get a page source code, we'll need to combine net-log and page-progress.

'use strict';

const tabBrowser = require('sdk/deprecated/tab-browser');

const NetLog = require('net-log/net-log');
const PageProgress = require('net-log/page-progress');

exports.main = function() {
        onTrack: function(tab) {
            // On every tab we start a page-progress
            let source;
            let p = PageProgress.registerBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser);
            p.on('loadstarted', function() {
                // When load starts, we start net-log
                source = '';
                NetLog.registerBrowser(tab.linkedBrowser, {
                    onResponse: function(response) {
                        // Note: event in case of redirect, data would be available in
                        // first resource, which is very convenient :)
                        if (response.stage === 'data' && === 0) {
                            source +=;
                // "this" is our event target instance ("p" in this case) and yes,
                // you can use "once"
                this.once('contentloaded', function() {
                    // Content is loaded, remove net-log and show source code. Voilà!
        onUntrack: function(tab) {
            // When tab is removed, we remove page-progress

Collect HAR data on each page load

Let's collect HAR data for each tab.

'use strict';

const tabBrowser = require("sdk/deprecated/tab-browser");

const NetLog = require("net-log/net-log");
const PageProgress = require("net-log/page-progress");
const Har = require("net-log/har");

exports.main = function() {
    // A WeakMap to store HAR information for each browser
    let harEntries = new WeakMap();

        onTrack: function(tab) {
            this.collector = Har.startCollector(tab.linkedBrowser, {
                autoStart: false,     // We start manually
                wait: 1000,           // Wait 1s before collectfinish event
                withImageInfo: true,  // Who doesn't want image information?
                captureTypes: [
                    /text\/css/       // We want to capture CSS contents

            // Set our harEntries value
            harEntries.set(tab.linkedBrowser, []);
                // We pass url to trigger loadstarted callback as it this case it would
                // never be called
                (url) => this.collector.start(url)

            this.collector.getListener().on('collectfinish', (function() {
                // Keep a copy of entries
                harEntries.set(tab.linkedBrowser, [];
                // Stop collecting now

                // You can now use entries
                console.log(JSON.stringify(harEntries.get(tab.linkedBrowser), null, 2));
        onUntrack: function(tab) {
            harEntries.has(tab.linkedBrowser) && harEntries.delete(tab.linkedBrowser);