Run yarn hardhat
to check all available tasks.
Follow the below command to run a specific task :
yarn hardhat `taskName` --network `network` --optionName `optionValue`
To deploy OptyFi's contracts.
Usage: deploy specific adapter contract
Options :
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--name required <string> the name of adapter
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-adapter \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--name AaveV1Adapter \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage: deploy all available adapter contracts
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-adapters \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage : deploy HarvestCodeProvider contract
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-harvest-code-provider \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage : deploy Strategy Manager library
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-strategy-manager \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage: deploy Registry contract
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-registry \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage: deploy RiskManager contract
--registry required <string> the address of registry
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat) (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-risk-manager \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--deployed-once false \
--network localhost
Usage: deploy StrategyProvider contract
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-strategy-provider \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--deployed-once false \
Usage: deploy Vault contract
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--token required <address> the address of underlying token
--risk-profile-code required <number> the code of Vault's risk profile
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-vault \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--risk-profile-code 1
Usage: deploy erc20 contract
--name required <string> the name of token
--symbol required <string> the symbol of token
--total optional <number> the totalSupply of token (default: 0)
--decimal required <number> the decimal of token(defaukt: 18)
--deployed-once optional <bool> allow checking whether contracts were deployed previously (default: true)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat deploy-erc20 \
--network localhost \
--name ERC20 \
--symbol ERC20 \
--total 0 \
--decimal 18
To execute functions in a OptyFi's contract.
Usage: add risk profile in Registry contract
--risk-profile-code required <number> the code of risk profile
--can-borrow required <boolean> whether risk profile can borrow or not
--lowest-rating required <number> the lowest rating
--highest-rating required <number> the highest rating
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat add-risk-profile \
--network localhost \
--risk-profile-code 1 \
--can-borrow true \
--lowest-rating 0 \
--highest-rating 10
Usage: approve spender to use specific amount of erc20 token
--spender required <address> the address of spender
--token required <address> the address of token
--amount required <number> the amount of token
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat approve-erc20 \
--network localhost \
--spender 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--amount 1000000000000000
Usage: approve all available tokens
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat approve-tokens \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: approve a specific token
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--token required <address> the address of token
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat approve-token \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: get best strategy or default best strategy for the token with risk profile
--token required <address> the address of token
--risk-profile-code required <number> the code of risk profile
--strategy-provider required <address> the address of strategyProvider
--is-default required <bool> get default strategy or not
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat get-best-strategy \
--network localhost \
--risk-profile-code 1 \
--strategy-provider 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--is-default true
Usage: set best strategy or default best strategy
--token required <address> the address of token
--risk-profile-code required <number> the code of risk profile
--strategy-name required <string> the name of strategy
--strategy-provider required <address> the address of strategyProvider
--is-default required <bool> whether set best default strategy or not
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-best-strategy \
--network localhost \
--risk-profile-code 1 \
--strategy-provider 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--strategy-name "wmatic-DEPOSIT-Aave-amWMATIC" \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--is-default true
Usage: unpause the vault
--vault-symbol required <address> the vault symbol
--state required <address> the vault unpause state
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat unpause-vault \
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opUSDCearn
--state true
Usage: activates or deactives vault mode where all strategies go into full withdrawal
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--active required <address> If true, the Vault goes into Emergency Shutdown. If false, the Vault goes back into Normal Operation
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-emergency-shutdown \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--active true
Usage: perform actions in the vault contract
--vault-symbol required <address> the vault symbol
--user required <address> account address of the user
--action required <string> "DEPOSIT" || "WITHDRAW" || "REBALANCE" || "VAULT-DEPOSIT-ALL-TO-STRATEGY"
--merkle-proof required <string> merkle proofs in stringified form
--beneficiary optional <string> beneficiary of DEPOSIT or WITHDRAW
--useall optional <bool> use whole balance (default: false)
--amount optional <number> amount of token (default: 0)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat vault-actions \
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opUSDCearn \
--user 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--action deposit \
--beneficiary 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--useall false \
--amount 500000
Usage: execute harvest()
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--reward-token required <string> the address of the reward token to harvest
--dex required <string> swap router
--is-uni-v3 required <bool> whether router is uniswapV3 or not
--minimum-underlying-token-amount required <string> minimum underlying after swap that must be received for the transaction to not revert
--deadline required <string> swap deadline
--path required <string> token path for uniswapV2 and its forks
--path-uni-v3 required <string> path for uniswapV3
--liquidity-pool required <string> the address of the liquidity pool to harvest
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat reward-harvest \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--harvest-type "SOME" \
--liquidity-pool 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--reward-token-amount 50000000000
Usage: claim the whole balance of reward tokens
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--liquidity-pool required <string> the address of the liquidity pool to harvest
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat reward-harvest \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--liquidity-pool 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: set the address of the underlying asset and its keccak256 hash
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--underlying-tokens-hash required <string> keccak256 hash of underlying token address and chain id
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-underlying-tokens-hash \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--underlying-tokens-hash 0x9090b8d48a864f6fd5afa4fe28e1b20db57c0af46cf9e294b8fe36bf57fc1f01
Usage: set a risk profile code for a given vault
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--risk-profile-code required <string> code of the risk profile
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-risk-profile-code \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--risk-profile-code 1
Usage: set the maximum amount a user could deposit in entire life cycle of this vault in underlying token
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--user-deposit-cap required <string> maximum amount in underlying token allowed to be deposited by user
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-user-deposit-cap \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--user-deposit-cap 10000000000000000000
Usage: set the minimum amount in underlying token required to be deposited by the user
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--minimum-deposit-value required <string> minimum deposit value in underlying token required
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-minimum-deposit-value \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--minimum-deposit-value 100000
Usage: set the total value locked limit in underlying token
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--total-value-locked-limit required <string> maximum TVL in underlying token allowed for the vault
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-minimum-deposit-value \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--total-value-locked-limit 10000000000000000000
Usage: approve and map liquidity pool to adapter
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--liquidity-pool required <address> the address of liquidity
--adapter required <address> the address of defi adapter
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat map-liquiditypool-to-adapter \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--liquidity-pool 0x71B9eC42bB3CB40F017D8AD8011BE8e384a95fa5 \
--adapter 0xbf78A1a02e34CF7aCDB8BD9D0f225cB6AA6B85C5
Usage: approve and map liquidity pools to a specific adapter
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--adapter-name required <address> the name of adapter
--adapter required <address> the address of defi adapter
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat map-liquiditypools-to-adapter \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x09557807C515d758ECc5E1D1aCE7D09aA5842F51 \
--adapter-name CompoundAdapter \
--adapter 0xbf78A1a02e34CF7aCDB8BD9D0f225cB6AA6B85C5
Usage: set max deposit for a specific adapter
--adapter required <address> the address of adapter
--amount required <number> the max deposit amount
--mode required <address> the max deposit mode (*)
--liquidity-pool required <address> the address of liquiditypool (*)
--underlying-token required <address> the address of underlying token (*)
--set-protocol optional <boolean> set amount for Protocol or not (default: false)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
Notes: (*) might be required depend on the Adapter's contract.
yarn hardhat set-max-deposit
--adapter 0xA38FdF6d6D3E6dff80F416Fa6C1649b317A70595 \
--amount 1000000000000000000000000 \
--mode pct \
--liquidity-pool 0x8038C01A0390a8c547446a0b2c18fc9aEFEcc10c \
--underlying-token 0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490 \
--set-protocol false \
--network localhost
Usage: set max deposit mode for a specific adapter
--adapter required <address> the address of adapter
--mode required <address> the max deposit mode
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-max-deposit-mode
--adapter 0xA38FdF6d6D3E6dff80F416Fa6C1649b317A70595 \
--mode pct \
--network localhost
Usage: check token balance of specific address
--token required <address> the address of token
--user required <address> the address of user
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example
yarn hardhat balance-of \
--network localhost \
--token 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F \
--user 0x90F8bf6A479f320ead074411a4B0e7944Ea8c9C1
Usage: prints the list of accounts
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example
yarn hardhat list-accounts \
--network localhost \
Usage: print the strategy
--token required <string> the address of token
--strategy-name required <string> name of strategy
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example
yarn hardhat print-strategy-hash \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--strategy-name aave-DEPOSIT-SushiswapPool-AAVE-WETH-SLP
--network localhost \
Usage: print tokens hash
--token required <string> the address of token
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example
yarn hardhat print-tokens-hash \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--network localhost \
Usage: execute a get action in smart contract
--name required <address> the name of contract
--address required <address> the address of smart contract
--functionabi required <string> a get function abi
--params optional <array> the required params of the function (default: "")
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
Notes: functionabi: needs to have quotation marks('') around the function abi. params: need to have comma(,) in order to differentiate each param (Ex : param1,param2).
yarn hardhat get-action \
--network localhost \
--name ERC20 \
--address 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F \
--functionabi 'balanceOf(address)' \
--params 0x90F8bf6A479f320ead074411a4B0e7944Ea8c9C1
Usage: get price per full share of the vault
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--block-number optional <number> block number (default: current block number)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat get-price-per-full-share \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--block-number 1234567
Usage: get total supply of the vault
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--block-number optional <number> block number (default: current block number)
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat get-price-per-full-share \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--block-number 1234567
Usage: change vault proxy admin
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--new-admin required <number> the address of new admin
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat change-vault-proxy-v2-admin \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-admin 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: set pending governance
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-pending-governance required <number> the address of pending governance
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-pending-governance \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-pending-governance 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: accept pending governance
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat accept-pending-governance \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: transfer all operator roles to same address
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-operator required <address> the address of new operator
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat transfer-operation-ownership \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-operator 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: transfer operator
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-operator required <address> the address of new finance operator
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat transfer-operator \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-operator 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: transfer finance operator
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-finance-operator required <address> the address of new finance operator
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat transfer-finance-operator \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-finance-operator 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: transfer risk operator
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-risk-operator required <address> the address of new risk operator
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat transfer-risk-operator \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-risk-operator 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: transfer strategy operator
--registry required <address> the address of registry
--new-strategy-operator required <address> the address of new strategy operator
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat transfer-strategy-operator \
--network localhost \
--registry 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--new-strategy-operator 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: whitelisted accounts merkle root hash
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--merkle-root-hash required <string> the merkle root hash
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-whitelisted-accounts-root \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--merkle-root-hash 0x1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212 \
Usage: whitelisted accounts merkle root hash
--vault required <address> the address of vault
--merkle-root-hash required <string> whitelisted codes root hash
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-whitelisted-codes-root \
--network localhost \
--vault 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--merkle-root-hash 0x1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212 \
Usage: approve token and map token to tokenshash
--token required <string> the address of token
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat approve-token-and-map-to-tokenshash \
--network localhost \
--token 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
Usage: set vault configuration
--vault-symbol required <string> the vault symbol
--vault-configuration required <string> the vault symbol
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-vault-configuration \
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opUSDCearn \
--vault-configuration 2718155043500073612906634403139041842518004532954031278126931986324444413952
Usage: set value control params
--vault-symbol required <string> the vault symbol
--user-deposit-cap-ut required <string> user deposit cap in underlying token
--minimum-deposit-value-ut required <string> minimum deposit value in underlying token
--total-value-locked-limit-ut required <string> TVL in underlying token
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-value-control-params \
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opUSDCearn \
--user-deposit-cap 10000000000000000000
--minimum-deposit-value 100000
--total-value-locked-limit 10000000000000000000
Usage: change polygon opUSDCearn vault proxy v2 admin
--new-admin required <string> address of the new admin
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat change-polygon-opusdcearn-proxy-v2-admin
--network localhost \
--new-admin 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: change vault proxy v2 admin
--vault-symbol required <string> symbol of the vault
--new-admin required <string> new admin address
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat change-vault--proxy-v2-admin
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opAAVEinvst \
--new-admin 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Usage: set best strategy and rebalance using multisig
--token-symbol required <string> symbol of the vault
--strategy-name required <string> name of strategy
--vault-symbol required <string> symbol of vault
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-best-strategy-rebalance-multisig
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opAAVEinvst \
--token-symbol AAVE
--strategy-name aave-DEPOSIT-SushiswapPool-AAVE-WETH-SLP
Usage: set best strategy using multisig
--token-symbol required <string> symbol of the vault
--strategy-name required <string> name of strategy
--vault-symbol required <string> symbol of vault
--network optional <string> name of the network provider (default: hardhat)
- Example:
yarn hardhat set-best-strategy-multisig
--network localhost \
--vault-symbol opAAVEaggr \
--token-symbol AAVE
--strategy-name aave-DEPOSIT-SushiswapPool-AAVE-WETH-SLP