A project space for the automation challenge game to leverage InSpec for full compliance checking. The intention of this Project is to provide a number of standard InSpec files to support administrators and security officers to quickly gain a clear view on the level of compliancy to regulatory and company security regulations.
The following components will be part of the inControlInspec solution
InSpec is an open source (OSS) automated testing tool for integration, compliance, security, and other policy requirements. InSpec will be used to test systems in a wider set of servers on how well they align with a predefined technical baseline.
Jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) will be used as JSON processor to post-process the InSpec JSON output.
The following points are not directly a part of the project (at this moment) however can be seen as future ambitions
- Automatically build XLSX based report output
- Development of a central storage and reporting solution for InSpec results (as a full open source project)
In the root of the project you will find a Makefile. This Makefile will contain directives for various actions.
Run the following command:
make check
for results looking like the following:
$ make check
inspec exec controls/ --reporter json| jq '.profiles[] | { Controls: .controls[] } | { ControlID: .Controls.tags.controlID, Name: .Controls.title, CheckID: .Controls.tags.checkID, Description: .Controls.desc, Results: .Controls.results[].status }'
"ControlID": "6",
"Name": "Event logging storage and protection",
"CheckID": "1",
"Description": "Various checks regarding /var/log",
"Results": "passed"
"ControlID": "0",
"Name": "Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)",
"CheckID": "1",
"Description": "Verify that /etc/modprobe.d is a directory",
"Results": "passed"
"ControlID": "0",
"Name": "Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)",
"CheckID": "2",
"Description": "Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files have mode 0755 and are only writeable by owner",
"Results": "passed"
"ControlID": "0",
"Name": "Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)",
"CheckID": "3",
"Description": "Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files are owned by the root user",
"Results": "passed"
Run the following command:
$ make -s csv
for CSV formatted output like the following:
"1","6","Various checks regarding /var/log","Event logging storage and protection","passed"
"1","0","Verify that /etc/modprobe.d is a directory","Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)","passed"
"2","0","Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files have mode 0755 and are only writeable by owner","Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)","passed"
"3","0","Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files are owned by the root user","Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)","passed"
Run the following command:
$ make -s excel-nl
for CSV formatted output like the following:
$ make -s excel-nl
"1";"6";"Various checks regarding /var/log";"Event logging storage and protection";"passed"
"1";"0";"Verify that /etc/modprobe.d is a directory";"Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)";"passed"
"2";"0";"Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files have mode 0755 and are only writeable by owner";"Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)";"passed"
"3";"0";"Verify that /etc/modprobe.d and underlying files are owned by the root user";"Handling of removable media (physical and virtual)";"passed"
The columns are separated with ; instead of , so Excel will skip the import wizard and import the data automatically.
To restore the correct column order after jq sorts the keys, please use the following:
sudo make -s excel-nl | awk -F\; '{print $2";"$1";"$4";"$3";"$5}'