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Releases: Orange-Panda/Rewired-Glyphs


25 Jun 00:59
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❇️ 2.0 Upgrade Notice ❇️

If you are upgrading to this version from a 1.X release please refer to the upgrade guide on the 2.0.0 release page for steps required to upgrade.


  • Rewrote internal code that used C# 9.0 features, which was preventing package use in Unity 2020.3. (GH-16)
  • Declared Unity 2020.3 as the minimum required Unity version for this packaged. Earlier Unity releases are not supported by this package.


  • Fixed internal exception that would sometimes occur when getting joystick glyphs with null controller


14 Jun 21:00
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❇️ 2.0 Upgrade Notice ❇️

If you are upgrading to this version from a 1.X release please refer to the upgrade guide on the 2.0.0 release page for steps required to upgrade.


  • Added new constructors to Glyph that utilize a ControllerType parameter
    • ⚠️ Marked the constructors that don't have this parameter as obsolete. They will not be removed until the next major release at earliest.


  • Fallback glyphs now have a ControllerType value for the device they were intended to represent
    • Previously was always null


  • Fixed hideKBM functionality not behaving as expected for fallback glyphs


11 Jun 22:19
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❇️ 2.0 Upgrade Notice ❇️

If you are upgrading to this version from a 1.X release please refer to the upgrade guide on the 2.0.0 release page for steps required to upgrade.


  • Fixed an issue where incorrect glyphs may have been shown if there were multiple controllers of different types plugged in
    • Example: If a first controller 'A' is an Xbox One controller and a controller 'B' is a DualSense controller, controller B would sometimes show incorrect glyphs.


11 Jun 18:49
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❇️ Upgrade Guide ❇️

This release includes major breaking changes which will require your attention in order to upgrade to this version from any 1.x release

  • GlyphCollection has been overhauled. For each GlyphCollection in your project you must reassign the hardware maps to the newly designated 'Controller Maps'
    • If you are using one of the GlyphCollection samples you are encouraged to reimport the updated 2.x sample instead.
  • If referenced HardwareDefinition in any of your scripts, they must be replaced/removed
    • Use Controller or ControllerType, Guid instead.
    • This affects GetNativeGlyphFromGuidMap method calls in particular

⚠️ Major Breaking Change - Hardware Definition Removed ⚠️

  • Hardware Definition has been completely removed for more accurate glyph queries and an improved user experience when creating GlyphCollection
  • Most methods that were directly associated with HardwareDefinition have been removed entirely.
  • Methods that used HardwareDefinition to target a specific controller now use Controller or ControllerType, Guid instead.
    • The signature for some query methods have changed as a result such as GetNativeGlyphFromGuidMap
  • ⚠️ You will have to update your 1.x GlyphCollection when updating to v2.0.0 by reassigning your controller glyph maps to the collection!
  • If you used any methods that used HardwareDefinition your code will not compile when upgrading to this version and will require changes.


  • Added official Documentation~ which can also be found online at
    • This is an ongoing project, so you are encouraged to make article requests in the Issues
      or Discussions if you are unable to find documentation for your use case.
  • Added an overhauled GlyphCollection editor user experience
  • Added ControllerType property to Glyph to inform components about the device the glyph intends to represent.
    • All Template maps represent Joystick glyphs
    • Controller maps use the value defined in its entry on the GlyphCollection
  • Added optional feature for hiding non-input glyphs (null, uninitialized, etc.) on built-in components (default does not hide)
    • Enable in GlyphRichTextFormatter using hideInvalid option in glyph tag (Example: <glyph Jump hideInvalid>)
  • Added optional feature for hiding keyboard and mouse glyphs in built-in components (default does not hide)
    • Enable in GlyphRichTextFormatter using hideKBM option in glyph tag (Example: <glyph Jump hideKBM>)
  • Added ShouldHideGlyph(Glyph) protected method to GlyphDisplay which can be used by inheritors to inform if they should hide the output glyph (due to the above rules)
    • If you don't implement this check in your SetGlyph component it will behave identically to before, but will not support these optional settings.
  • Added GetGlyphSet method to InputGlyphs for getting all glyphs for an action across all controller types, including multiple bindings on a single controller.
  • Added collectionKey string field to GlyphCollection for distinctly identifying and referencing collections at runtime
  • ⚠️ [Breaking] - Added collectionKey optional parameter to all InputGlyphs methods for referencing secondary (non-default) collections
  • Added additionalCollections field to RewiredGlyphManager for additively loading additional collection for reference by their collectionKey
    • This field also supports generating TMP sprite sheets (generates for default collection and collections included in additional collections)
    • Note: Make sure the names of the sprite sheets containing glyphs are unique since they are referenced by name in TextMeshPro. An error message has been added to notify about such collisions.
  • Added optional specifier set=collectionname for GlyphRichTextFormatter to target secondary glyph collections
    • Example: <glyph Jump set=dark> where 'dark' is the collectionKey on some GlyphCollection that is loaded into InputGlyphs
  • Added Generate Keyboard and Generate Mouse functionality to Glyph Map for generating default Glyph Map actions
    • Requires the application running due to technical limitations
  • Added component icons to all major components and scriptable objects of the package
  • Added confirmation dialogue before generating TMP sprite sheet on Rewired Glyph Manager
  • Added custom property drawer for Glyph, improving the editor experience
  • Added new glyphs sample to package: Xelu Prompts


  • Changed order of sprites in Glyph editor (now ordered Full, Positive, Negative to match description order)
  • Rewrote the way glyph collections are loaded into memory internally
    • Switching the active glyph collection is now much more performant
    • Loading a glyph collection now only dispatches a glyph update if it may have changed the output of glyph queries
  • GlyphCollection now initializes non-input glyph values with default values when created.
  • Remove set access to TemplateEntry and GuidEntry
  • Updated Kenney sample glyphs to new GlyphCollection format


  • ⚠️ [Breaking] - Fixed GetSpecificCurrentGlyph and GetCurrentGlyph not utilizing the value of its 'forceAxis' parameter.
    • If you were utilizing a value of true you may notice different output of this method.
    • This method was being used by GlyphRichTextFormatter therefore tags such as <glyph "MoveH" pole=FullAxis> will output differently.
  • Fixed Glyph Positive and Negative description sometimes not returning the expected value
  • Fixed description validation error in GlyphMapEditor
  • Fixed Kenney glyph maps having some inaccurate/missing actions

GitHub Tag Change

  • Going forward releases will no longer have the v prefix
    • Tags for previous releases will not be modified

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...2.0.0


31 May 01:58
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  • Added Specific methods to InputGlyphs that enable getting joystick symbols of a specific type regardless of the value of InputGlyphs.PreferredSymbols
    • These methods are generally not recommended unless you need to explicitly show that symbol while InputGlyphs.PreferredSymbols has a differing value
  • GlyphRichTextFormatter now supports specifier syntax for additional arguments such as pole=Positive, player=2, or type=Joystick
  • GlyphRichTextFormatter now supports specifying the controller type for the glyph such as type=Keyboard, type=Mouse, or type=Joystick
    • Caution: Specifying controller type is more prone to showing UNBOUND glyph since it will not fall back to any other type if there is no glyph for that controller
  • GlyphRichTextFormatter now supports specifying the symbol for the glyph such as symbol=Auto, symbol=Xbox, symbol=PS, or symbol=Switch


  • ⚠️ [Breaking] - Editor scripts have been moved from the LMirman.RewiredGlyphs namespace to LMirman.RewiredGlyphs.Editor namespace.
    • Despite not being backward compatible, this change won't be incrementing the major version since the affected types don't have any practical public API functionality.

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0


11 Feb 07:02
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  • Added GlyphType, IsFallbackGlyph and IsInputGlyph properties to Glyph
    • Allows for checking if a Glyph is intended to represent a Null, Unbound, or Uninitialized glyph through code.
  • Added forceAxis parameter to InputGlyphs GetGlyph methods
    • When true, will get the glyph for the entire axis such as "Move Horizontal" instead of "Move Left" and "Move Right"
    • Defaults to false, providing a similar behavior to before
    • GlyphRichTextFormatter can output the full axis with the "Full Axis" parameter. Example: <glyph "Move Horizontal" Full>
  • Added improved documentation to InputGlyphs GetGlyph methods
  • Added GetGlyph method to InputGlyphs which uses a ControllerType parameter to map to the other specific GetGlyph methods


  • Getting glyphs for button or split elements for an axis action is now significantly more reliable
    • Previously getting positive/negative actions such as "Move Horizontal" for joysticks would return the unbound glyph despite a full axis map to the entire horizontal joystick
    • Now InputGlyph will infer the Joystick Left and Joystick Right from the full axis map.


  • Fixed Glyph.GetDescription() returning a null string in rare cases
  • Fixed exception in GlyphRichTextFormatter when providing a null string to SetFormattedText(string) method
  • Fixed no controller being recognized until it inputs at least once
    • Now defaults to the first joystick if the player has not yet input using a controller yet, ensuring there is some glyph shown initially


31 Oct 04:22
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  • Added useSpritesWhenAvailable field to GlyphRichTextFormatter.
    • When true will replace glyph rich text with a TMP inline sprite if there is a Sprite available for the found glyph.
    • When false will always use the Glyph's description even if it has a sprite.
    • Defaults to true which matches the behaviour of previous implementation
  • Added descriptionFormat field to GlyphRichTextFormatter which controls the way descriptions are output.
    • Defaults to [{0}] which matches the behaviour of previous implementation
  • Added formatTextOnStart field to GlyphRichTextFormatter
    • Defaults to true which matches the behaviour of previous implementation


  • Fixed GlyphRichTextFormatter not having up to date glyphs if component was not enabled during glyph rebuild.


23 Oct 00:59
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  • Added descriptions for Positive and Negative axis range on Glyph
    • If you have created custom components you are encouraged to use GetDescription() instead of the now obsolete Description
  • Added a brand new Glyph Map Editor
    • Quickly generate a glyph map based on your project's Rewired controller maps
    • Validate glyph values against the expected definitions from your project's Controller Data Files asset
  • Added GetKeyboardGlyph and GetMouseGlyph functions to the InputGlyphs class
  • Exposed previously private methods GetNativeGlyphFromGuidMap, GetNativeGlyphFromHardwareMap, and GetNativeGlyphFromTemplateMap in InputGlyphs class
    • These methods are not recommended in most cases, but may be useful if you need tight control over glyph output.


11 Sep 17:52
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  • Added support for inserting new glyph definitions to glyph map in editor


  • Fixed incorrect Dualsense and Dualshock 4 glyph map in package sample
    • Requires reimporting sample to fix
  • Fixed some calls being made to Rewired when it is not active
  • Fixed glyph system cache referencing null players when input manager is quit or restarted
  • Fixed glyph display never initializing action id if Reinput system was not ready on Awake
  • Fixed rebuilds sometimes not occurring on later glyph displays if an exception occurred in an earlier glyph display


24 Jun 00:38
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  • Fixed Rewired Glyph Manager not marking glyph maps and collection dirty when generating TextMeshPro sprite sheets