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184 lines (113 loc) · 6.51 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (113 loc) · 6.51 KB


All notable changes to this package are documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v2.1.0] - 2024-06-25


  • Added support for creating OverlayManager overlays on transforms other than the manager's transform

[v2.0.1] - 2023-11-18


  • Fixed unintentional exception being thrown in Poolable OnDestroy when a poolable object is destroyed from Object.Instantiate

[v2.0.0] - 2023-11-18

This major release has been created due to several breaking changes to the ObjectPool system. Upgrading to this release will require updating syntax of scripts that utilize poolables.


  • Added Poolable.Instance class, enabling usage of poolables that expire when the object is returned.
  • Added Poolable.Identifier property: a unique id that is assigned to a poolable when retrieved and revoked when returned.


  • Poolable objects that are incorrectly created using Object.Instantiate are now immediately destroyed and log an error.
  • ⚠️Breaking: The ObjectPool.Instantiate methods now return a Poolable.Instance instead of the Poolable itself.
    • To update: replace variable type with Poolable.Instance.
    • Use Poolable.Instance.IsActive to check if the instance is not null
      • Instances can be implicitly cast to bool for this check as well.
    • Use Poolable.Instance.Poolable to access the Poolable behavior as before
      • Will return null when the Poolable has been returned or disposed.


  • ⚠️Breaking: Removed public access to Poolable.poolSettings
    • The pool settings defined on the Poolable component should not be modified at runtime.
  • ⚠️Breaking: Removed set access for values of PoolSettings
    • Modifying these values directly had very erratic behavior.

[v1.10.0] - 2023-11-15


  • Added public read-only property Poolable to PoolableBehaviour.

[v1.9.0] - 2023-11-08


  • Added JsonConvert error handling support to GameFile
    • Can be overriden by setting GameFile.jsonSerializeSettings and GameFile.jsonDeserializeSettings

[v1.8.0] - 2023-10-10


  • Added int.LayerMaskContains extension method
  • Added Vector2.Rotate extension method
  • Added [PublicAPI] attribute to most classes
  • Added methods to UIGroup<T> to mutate list of items
  • Added ItemIndexChanged event to UIGroup<T>
  • Added public get-only properties to UIGroup<T> for inspecting current values


  • UIGroup now sets current item to null and current index to -1 when disabling all items. Previously kept old value.

[v1.7.1] - 2023-06-12


  • Fixed logical error in GameFile get byte[] functions

[v1.7.0] - 2023-06-12


  • Added methods to GameFile which returns byte[] for the current file data.
  • Added methods to GameFile which loads a given byte[] directly into the file.
  • Added official support for subdirectories in GameFile

[v1.6.0] - 2023-06-12


  • Added .editorconfig to project to enforce code styling rules internally.


  • Several readonly fields on GameFile are now publicly accessible.

[v1.5.0] - 2022-11-21


  • GameFile now records the engine and system time when it is load/written.

[v1.4.0] - 2022-11-18


  • Added an optional DefaultValue property to the LookupTable system.
  • Added ability to control the Space in which an ObjectPool instantiates
  • Added support for the IConvertible type in the Generic Data Bank

[v1.3.0] - 2022-10-26


  • Added ClampedValue<T> and ClampedField<T> classes which ensure a value is within boundaries which are set at the objects contruction.

[v1.2.0] - 2022-10-12


  • Added Generic Data Bank - a way to store generic objects/variables into a string based dictionary.

[v1.1.2] - 2022-10-09


  • Added support for horizontal scrolling on the Autoscroll component.
  • Added fields to separately enable/disable Horizontal and Vertical management on the Autoscroll component. Both default to enabled.
  • Added PoolableBehaviour class: A template class that automatically subscribes to Poolable's C# events and invokes virtual methods that your own inheriting classes can override.
    • This can be used to make developing pooled objects slightly more convenient but is not required.


  • The DisableAllItems() function on UIGroup is now public. Was previously protected.

[v1.1.1] - 2022-09-11


  • Added PoolableReturnAfterDelay, a component which will automatically return a poolable object after some time.
  • Added PoolableUnityEventEmitter, a component which will fire UnityEvents for the matching poolable C# events.

[v1.1.0] - 2022-09-03


  • Added the Yielders class for caching frequently used coroutine yield instructions
    • Has support for WaitForFixedUpdate, WaitForEndOfFrame, WaitForSeconds, and WaitForSecondsRealtime
  • Added the ObjectPool system, a static class for caching frequently instantiated/destroyed prefabs

[1.0.1] - 2022-08-03


  • Added SetVisualActive(bool) method to OverlayInterface which is called during open, close, and load.


  • Close() on OverlayInterface is no longer called by the OverlayManager when a panel is loaded. Thus, Open() is now guaranteed to be invoked before Close().


  • Fixed a typo in PanelGroup

[1.0.0] - 2022-07-16


  • Package created.
  • Includes:
    • Action Emitter: For managing dynamic events, particularly in ui.
    • Aspect Ratio Calculator: Assistant to the AspectRatioFitter in the canvas ui system.
    • Auto Scroll: Component for automatically updating a scroll rect when a new object is selected.
    • Confirmation Windows: Infrastructure for prompts that the user can accept/decline
    • Encryption: Built in AES encryptor for Game Files
    • Extensions: Convenient extension methods for general situations
    • Game File: Infrastructure for saving serializiable data to the persistent data path
    • Lookup Table: Infrastructure for finding assets/objects through a string key lookup
    • Overlays: Handling opening/closing full screen ui elements that the user is required to input from
    • Time Manager: Pause/Unpause functionality that maintains a non one time scale override.
    • UI Groups: Functionality for showing and hiding ui components anywhere
      • Tab UI Groups: Ordered list of ui elements to cycle through
      • Panel UI Groups: Hierarchy list of ui elements that can be traversed upwards