This mini project, is all about making my life a bit easier.
given a list of songs (title/artist) in a file, using yoytube DATA API, for search the best result.
with this result - fetching the videoID, and download it with youtube-dl package.
after downloading the file "ffmpeg" will convert the file to mp3 (and remove the original file).
- youtube_dl (python package
- ffmpeg (formatting from video to audio)
- python 3.6 >=
- youtube data API key
it can be run with 2 (optional) arguments: src_songs_list, dst_folder when:
src_songs_list: the songs list file (e.g top_100_hits.txt)
dst_folder: distention folder for the mp3 files
when running without arguments - you will need to enter those args manually
python3 dlFromList src_songs_list dst_folder
python3 dlFromList