Functions to work with finitely presented nilpotent groups. To install al the functions save the files inside the GAP directory/pkg/NilGroups and then run in GAP.
Read( "*Gap Directory*/pkg/NilGroups/read.g");
Some functions in this repository rely on the NQ package, so having it installed is mandatory.
- SomeNilpotentGroups( n ) : Retruns the group assigned to the number n, this groups are:
- n = 1 : Group Torsion-free of Hirsch length 5.
- n = 2 : Group with relative orders [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 2].
- n = 3 : Group with relative orders [0, 0, 0, 0, 3872].
- n = 4 : Group with relative orders [0, 0, 0, 352, 11264].
- n = 5 : Group with 85 generators and Hirsch length 23.
- n = 6 : Group with 72 generators and Hirsch length 37.
- n = 7 : Group with 20 generators and Hirsch length 6.
- n = 8 : Group with 21 generators and Hirsch length 10.
- Centralizer problem
- CentralizerNilGroup( G, elms ) : Returns the centralizer of the elements in the list elms.
- Conjugacy problem
- IsConjugateNilGroup( G, g, h ) : If the elements g and h are conjugate returns the conjugating element, otherwise returns false.
- IsCanonicalConjugateElements( G, elms ) : If the elements of the list elms are conjugate returns the canonical element, kano, the conjugating element, conj, and the centralizer cent. Otherwise returns false.
- Canonical conjugate
- CanonicalConjugateElements( G, elms ) : Returns the canonical conjugate of each element in the list elms. Also returs the centralizers and the conjugating elements.
- Conjugacy problem for lists of elements
- IsConjugateList( G, list ) : Given a list of elements in G, returns a conjugate representative for each conjugacy class found and a list of indexes which represents the elements that belong to the respective conjugacy class.
- CanonicalConjugateList( G, list ) : Given a list of elements in G, returns a conjugate representative for each conjugacy class found and a list of indexes which represents the elements that belong to the respective conjugacy class.
Setting the information level to 1 of InfoConjugacy will show the progres of the algoritms.
- Normalizer problem
- NormalizerNilGroup( G, U ) : Returns the normalizer of the subgroup U in the group G.
- Subgroup Conjugacy problem
- IsConjugateSubgroups( G, U, V ) : Returns the conjugating element if the two subgroups are conjugated. Otherwise returns false.
- IsCanonicalConjugateSubgroups( G, U, V ) : Returns the canonical conjugate of U and V, the conjugating elements and the normalizer, if both subgroups are conjugated. Otherwise reutrns false.
- Canonical conjugate subgroup
- CanonicalConjugateSubgroup( G, U ) : Returns the canonical conjugate of U, the conjugating element and the normalizer.
Setting the information level to 1 of InfoConjugacy will show the progres of the algoritms.
- IntersectionSubgroupsNilGroups( G, U, V ) : Returns a list of generators for the intersection of U and V.
- SubgroupProductPair( G, U, V ) : Returns a product pair of U and V.
- ProductDecomposition( G, U, V, g) : Returns, if posible, a descomposition of g as a multiplication of elements in U and V
Script to see the performance of the algorithms using the groups in The results are avaribale in [B. Eick and O. F. Ayala].
- Eddie H. Lo. Finding intersections and normalizers in finitely generated nilpotent groups. J. Symbolic Comput., 25(1):45–59, 1998.
- Charles C. Sims. Computation with finitely presented groups, volume 48 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
- B. Eick and G. Ostheimer. On the orbit-stabilizer problem for integral matrix actions of polycyclic groups. Mathematics of Computation,72(243):1511–1529, 2003.
- B. Eick and O. F. Ayala. The conjugacy problem and canonical representatives in finitely generated nilpotent groups.