- Go generics for fun and profit - Kim Tore Jensen slides
- Slices: from zero to hero - Håvard Anda Estensen slides
- High-level intro to benchmarking and profiling - Håvard Anda Estensen [slides]
- Navigating Kubernetes CRDs using code generation - Marta Paciorkowska [no slides]
- Interfacing with native code - Andreas Dreyer Hysing [no slides]
- All you need to know about Go's fmtpackage - Kim Pettersen [slides and code examples]
- Data-Driven Testing in Go - Mathias Beke [slides] and [blogpost]
- Channels, memory, and synchronization via message passing - Daniel Fava [no slides]
- Closures in Go: why and how - Kim Tore Jensen [slides] and [code examples]
- Error Wrapping in Go 1.13 - Jean Niklas L'orange [slides(pds)]
- A week with Go - Espen Skaufel [no slides]
- How to set build-time variables in your program - Øyvind Skaar [slides]
- Everything you wanted to know about speaking at Go Oslo User Group but were too afraid to ask - Marta Paciorkowska [slides]
- How to use the command line - Marta Paciorkowska [no slides]
- Go for beginners: an interactive workshop - Jimmy Byrum [no slides]
- Parsing binary weather data with Go - Nils Larsgård [TODO: slides]
- Should I use gRPC or REST? - Kim Pettersen [TODO: slides]
- Built-in dependency management with Go modules - Kim Tore Jensen [slides]
- Comparing Go and C for embedded applications - Marcin Pasinski [TODO: slides]