A total solution tile generator using Docker Compose, for detecting streets then generating tile from Taichung City address data.
- PostgreSQL 10
- PostGIS 2.4
- Python 2.7
Tile server:
- CartoCSS (thus Node.js)
- Mapnik
- MapProxy
Download and unzip address CSV file from http://gishub.taichung.gov.tw/,
then copy TGOS_66.CSV
into the db/data
folder, renaming to data.csv
Run docker-compose up
to build Docker images and lanuch both
the database and tile container.
Now, open another terminal, run the following command to import addresses:
docker-compose run db python /process.py
It may take several minutes, so be patient :)
Now a WMTS server will be ready at port 8787
. You can append an entry
in JOSM like the following to get started:
Dump the data with:
docker-compose run db bash
pg_dump --data-only -h db -U tile_db tile_db > /data/dump.sql
Generate the SHP:
docker-compose run db bash
pgsql2shp -f /data/group.shp -h db -u tile_db tile_db "SELECT street, ST_Buffer(polygon, 0.0001) FROM taichung_streets_group;"
Code under MIT