Bshelf is decentralized application (dapp) powered by cartesi rollups technology.
It's a digital readings shelf to estimulate people to reading and share knowledge with the benefits of the blockchain (ownership assurance, secure and reliable reward, decentralized network, etc.).
Below you'll find instructions on how setting up this dapp locally.
Here are some packages you need to have installed on your PC:
npm install -g @cartesi/cli
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
yarn install
- Build and run the dapp via
andcartesi build
cartesi run
Here you can access the examples of dapp communication and resources consume.
There are these resources available on this dapp:
description — create a shelf. param data — {owner: address ("0x...")}
data sample
{ "action":"createShelf", "data":{ "owner":"0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266" } }
hex sample
- via
cartesi cli
, access your terminal in another window and input these instructions below:
cartesi send generic \ --dapp=0xab7528bb862fb57e8a2bcd567a2e929a0be56a5e \ --chain-id=31337 \ --rpc-url= \ --mnemonic-passphrase='test test test test test test test test test test test junk' \ --input=0x7b22616374696f6e223a226372656174655368656c66222c202264617461223a7b226f776e6572223a22307866333946643665353161616438384636463463653661423838323732373963666646623932323636227d7d
- via
, access your terminal in another window and input this single line instruction below:
cast send 0x59b22D57D4f067708AB0c00552767405926dc768 "addInput(address,bytes)" 0xab7528bb862fb57e8a2bcd567a2e929a0be56a5e 0x7b22616374696f6e223a226372656174655368656c66222c202264617461223a7b226f776e6572223a22307866333946643665353161616438384636463463653661423838323732373963666646623932323636227d7d --mnemonic 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk'
- via
description — add a reading item to a given shelf. param required — {shelf: UUID, title: string} param not required — {description: string, content: string, contentType: plainText | url | html}
data sample
{ "action":"addReadingItem", "data":{ "shelf":"d8c04a7b-e207-4dfb-a1d2-c64e9d09c9e5", "title":"My first notebook", "content":"<h1>hi</h1>", "contentType":"html" } }
hex sample
- via
cartesi cli
, access your terminal in another window and input these instructions below:
cartesi send generic \ --dapp=0xab7528bb862fb57e8a2bcd567a2e929a0be56a5e \ --chain-id=31337 \ --rpc-url= \ --mnemonic-passphrase='test test test test test test test test test test test junk' \ --input=0x7b22616374696f6e223a2261646452656164696e674974656d222c202264617461223a7b227368656c66223a2264386330346137622d653230372d346466622d613164322d633634653964303963396535222c20227469746c65223a224d79206669727374206e6f7465626f6f6b222c2022636f6e74656e74223a223c68313e68693c2f68313e222c2022636f6e74656e7454797065223a2268746d6c227d7d
- via
, access your terminal in another window and input this single line instruction below:
cast send 0x59b22D57D4f067708AB0c00552767405926dc768 "addInput(address,bytes)" 0xab7528bb862fb57e8a2bcd567a2e929a0be56a5e 0x7b22616374696f6e223a2261646452656164696e674974656d222c202264617461223a7b227368656c66223a2264386330346137622d653230372d346466622d613164322d633634653964303963396535222c20227469746c65223a224d79206669727374206e6f7465626f6f6b222c2022636f6e74656e74223a223c68313e68693c2f68313e222c2022636f6e74656e7454797065223a2268746d6c227d7d --mnemonic 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk'
- via
description — get all shelfs.
returned hex sample
{ "status": "Accepted", "exception_payload": null, "reports": [ { "payload": "0x..." } ], "processed_input_count": 2 }
converted payload sample
[ { "id":"d8c04a7b-e207-4dfb-a1d2-c64e9d09c9e5", "owner":"0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", "createdAt":8034, "items":{} } ]
- access the cartesi inspect endpoint on your browser
description — get a shelf by given id. param data — shelf id (UUID)
returned hex sample
{ "status": "Accepted", "exception_payload": null, "reports": [ { "payload": "0x..." } ], "processed_input_count": 2 }
converted payload sample
{ "data":{ "details":{ "id":"d8c04a7b-e207-4dfb-a1d2-c64e9d09c9e5", "owner":"0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266", "createdAt":8034 }, "items":[ { "id":"3d359a94-becc-4b7d-aedf-4e395007802c", "shelf":"d8c04a7b-e207-4dfb-a1d2-c64e9d09c9e5", "addedAt":8503, "title":"My first notebook", "content":"<h1>hi</h1>", "contentType":"html" } ] } }
- access the cartesi inspect endpoint on your browser
description — get a shelf item by a given both shelf and item id. param data — shelf id (UUID)
returned hex sample
{ "status": "Accepted", "exception_payload": null, "reports": [ { "payload": "0x..." } ], "processed_input_count": 2 }
converted payload sample
{ "details":{ "id":"3d359a94-becc-4b7d-aedf-4e395007802c", "shelf":"d8c04a7b-e207-4dfb-a1d2-c64e9d09c9e5", "addedAt":8503, "title":"My first notebook", "content":"<h1>hi</h1>", "contentType":"html" } }
- access the cartesi inspect endpoint on your browser
We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to Bshelf, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request to the main repository.
- Please ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.
Bshelf is released under the MIT License.
Bshelf is built on top of the Cartesi platform and utilizes various open-source libraries and tools. We would like to express our gratitude to the developers and contributors of these projects.