- "main": Main document containing an Eponym
- "media": Media belonging to a main document
- "category": A tag name and human-readable name for a category
- "suggestion": A document suggesting a change to any document
This is the “superclass” document model from which all other documents inherit.
"id": "…",
"type": "document-type",
"author": "author-username",
"date": "2016-11-creation-date",
"dateUpdated": "2016-12-last-update"
The main document describing the eponym (item).
Inherits from authored
{inherit properties from `authored`}
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
"localized": {
"en": {
"title": "An Eponym",
"text": "This is the text body for this eponym"
"de": {
"title": "Ein Eponym",
"text": "Dies ist die Beschreibung dieses Eponyms"
Documents containing translations for all the tags.
Inherits from Authored
{inherit properties from `authored`}
"tag": "tag",
"localized": {
"en": "A Tag",
"de": "Der Tag"