Lua 5.1 VM Environment with 5.3 Functions Support
- Install Lua 5.3 or Lua 5.4
- Open command prompt
- Change the directory of the command prompt to wherever you extracted Blue
- Modify "Script.lua" to the code you want to execute in a Lua 5.1 Environment
- On the command prompt, run lua and place "Index.lua" as an argument (e.g. "lua Index.lua", "lua5.3 Index.lua", "lua53 Index.lua", and etc.)
- Fixed an "oppsie" that I made writing this interpreter
- KHMan: Yueliang Lua 5.1 Bytecode Compiler, "A No-Frills Introduction to Lua VM Instructions"
- Rerubi: NEED_VARARG support, Idea of Post Process Optimization
Pull a request or issue if you discover a bug or if I didnt put anybody in the credits. Version: 0.1.1