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Dealing with simple two-way tables using SAS PROC FREQ by Som Bohora, Biostatistics and Epidemiology (BSE).
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.
- Spatial Analysis with R, by Maleeha Shaid, Dept of Pediatrics, Sooner SUCCESS
Calculating Subset Weighted Analysis Using PROC SURVEYFREQ and GENMOD by Jessica Hale, David Thompson, & Paul Darden, Dept of Pediatrics
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.
A continuation of Optimizing Study Management using REDCap, R, and other software tools by Will Beasley, David Bard, & Thomas Wilson, Dept of Pediatrics, Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core (BBMC)
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.
Bayes Without Tears by Dee Wu, Dept of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Optimizing Study Management using REDCap, R, and other software tools by Will Beasley, David Bard, & Thomas Wilson, Dept of Pediatrics, Biomedical and Behavioral Methodology Core (BBMC)
Presentations and supplemental material for the meeting.