Your user profile can be used to override every roles defaults
values. For example, adding:
terraform_version : "0.9.6"
will install that specific version of terraform, instead of the default values.
If you want to see what you can override for a given role, check roles/{ROLE_NAME}/defaults/main.yml
If you want to see what you can override across all roles, you can try the following:
for dir in $(find . -type d -name "defaults"); do grep -vE "^---" ${dir}/main.yml ; done
Every role contains tags that you can specifically execute instead of running a full playbook.
There is a standard behind the tags naming, so if you just want to install intellij, which exists in developer/ide/intellij
you can run either -t developer
, -t ide
or -t intellij
The sections below cover install and build steps to get a full functioning linux box meeting whatever requirements you have.
Installs Ubuntu configurations
Installs Windows configurations
Installs all configurations for a Retropie 4.4 install
If you want to get up and running quickly, try using the Vagrantfile in .vagrantfiles/cli
cd .vagrantfiles/cli
vagrant up
./ -h -p PLAYBOOK -u USER [-l LIMIT] [-t TAGS] [-z SKIP] [-v VERBOSITY] [-k KEY] [-e EXTRAVARS] [-s] [-c] [-h]
-p PLAYBOOK path to playbook
-u USER user profile to load
-l LIMIT limit to host
-t TAGS run only tasks with provided tags
-z SKIP skips tasks with provided tags
-v VERBOSITY v, vv, vvv, vvvv
-k KEY use private key
-e EXTRAVARS include as extra vars
-s run as sudo
-c run in check mode
-h show help
All Modules are documented here