Release of version 2.14.0 (2023-01-23)
What's New:
New pattern DropdownServerSide.
ROU-2404 - Created a new client action called FocusFirstInvalidInput to focus on the first invalid input while performing a form validation.
ROU-2770 - Now, the ScrollToElement client action has a ScrollDelay option, to scroll to the element after the time defined.
Also improved scrolling to elements in different contexts and use cases, defining the target scroll element that will have the overflow. -
ROU-2771 - Now, in the Dev Experience of the Submenu component, we improved the Service Studio preview by increasing the space for the header content.
ROU-3683 - Now, the generated CSS has an index to help the developers navigate through the file.
ROU-3966 - Now, Carousel will be using the latest version of their library provider (SplideJs v1.4.3).
This version also brings one new extensibility configuration that was added to the SplideConfigs structure that contains the properties available on the SetSplideJsConfigs client action:- omitEnd: If true, omits some pagination dots which just changes the active slide and do not move a carousel. Also, disables a next arrow when a carousel reaches the last page.
ROU-3967 - Now, Range Slider and Range Slider Interval will be using the latest version of their library provider (noUISlider v15.6.1).
ROU-4042 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.37).
This version also brings two new extensibility configurations that were added to the VirtualSelectConfigs structure that contains the properties available on the SetVirtualSelectConfigs client action:- alwaysShowSelectedOptionsLabel: by default, no.of options selected text would be shown when there is not enough space to show all selected values. Set true to show labels even though there is not enough space.
- focusSelectedOptionOnOpen: scroll the selected option to the viewport on dropbox open.
ROU-4007 - Now, the aria attributes for the Dropdown Search, Dropdown Tags, and Tabs components were improved to pass the accessibility validators AXE and Google Lighthouse audits.
ROU-4020 - Now, in the Dev Experience of the InlineSVG component, we improved the Service Studio preview by reducing the image preview to make it easier to use on more complex screens.
ROU-4026 - Now, the DropdownSetValue client action has a new input parameter "SilentOnChangedEvent" in order to be possible to manage the trigger OnChangeEvent when this action is in use.
Also, the OnChangedEvent was set as silent in the OnParametersChange when the StartingSelection input parameter gets changed. -
ROU-4031 - Created two new client actions called DropdownOpen/DropdownClose to open/close the options list of a Dropdown (DropdownTags or DropdownSearch) block with a given identifier.
ROU-4031 - Created two new client actions called DropdownServerSideOpen / DropdownServerSideClose to open/close the options list of a DropdownServerSide block with a given identifier.
ROU-4031 - Created two new client actions called DropdownServerSideEnable/DropdownServerSideDisable to enable/disable the DropdownServerSide block with a given identifier.
ROU-4031 - Created two new client actions called DropdownServerSideNotValid / DropdownServerSideClearValidation to set as invalid/clear validation of a DropdownServerSide block with a given identifier.
ROU-4031 - Created a client action called DropdownServerSideClear to clear the value of a DropdownServerSide block with a given identifier.
For more details, please check this forum post!
Fixed Issues and Improvements:
- ROU-4039 - Now, the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components no longer apply the default value when using an empty space for the following inputs - Prompt, SearchPrompt, NoResultText and NoOptionsText. This change allows achieving the use case of having an empty prompt.
- ROU-4004 - Fixed a visual issue when the Accordion component was disabled. where the icons to expand/collapse was not properly styled when disabled.
This occurred when the Accordion component was set as disabled and reflected on the icons to expand/collapse that were not being properly styled. - ROU-4017 / RPM-3401 - Fixed an issue that caused a visual misalignment on the balloon for both Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags when using multiple instances on the same screen.
This occurred in certain circumstances due to a relative position that existed on the pattern's wrapper. - ROU-4018 - Fixed an issue that caused a horizontal scroll to appear when the FlipContent component was used inside Tabs and while flipping.
This occurred only when the FlipContent component was used inside Tabs and now we hide the scroll to offer a better experience. - ROU-4021 - Fixed an issue on the ActionSheet component where it was not being properly destroyed.
This occurred when we were redirecting to the same screen and not when navigating between different screens. - ROU-4028 - Fixed an issue that caused the loss of the additional configs set with the SetSplideConfigs, SetFlatpickrConfigs, SetNoUISliderConfigs and SetVirtualSelectConfigs client actions.
This issue occurred only when navigating to the current page. - ROU-4029 - Fixed a visual issue that caused the ExtendedClass not to be properly applied in the RangeSlider/RangeSliderInterval components.
This occurred when the RangeSlider/RangeSliderInterval components were used with vertical orientation and placed inside an element with a much wider width. - ROU-4030 - Fixed an issue that caused the vertical Tab active indicator to have a size bigger than expected.
This occurred when the vertical Tab was placed in the content of another Tab. - ROU-4055 - Fixed an issue that caused the FloatingActions to disappear when we navigated between screens on native mobile applications.
This occurred in the OnDestroy event that wasn't properly removing the element because of the way the pattern was dealing with the moving element in the DOM (native mobile only).
Breaking changes
- Now, the DEPRECATED_jQuery script was removed, as informed in the previous version 2.8.1. If you wish to continue using this library, please import the JQuery version you want to your application scripts folder. This will cause a breaking change if you're referencing this script.
To keep using the same jQuery version, you can download it here. - Themes and Scripts reorganization into folders will need consumers to have their references refreshed.
- Now, some of the utility client actions that use the OutSystems UI API return an error message, code and success for a more consistent error handling, so consumers will need to have their references refreshed.
- Now, the DropdownSetValue client action has a new input parameter "SilentOnChangedEvent" in order to be possible to manage the trigger OnChangeEvent when this action is in use, so consumers will need to have their references refreshed.