NetVOD is a streaming service that allows you to watch TV series.
You can access the web application here :
To be able to use NetVOD, you have to log into the web application. Otherwise, you won't be able to access any content or feature on the web application.
The basic user of the application is "" and his password is "user1". You can disconnect at any time using the "Deconnexion" button.
If you forget your password, you can click the "Changez votre mot passe" link to ask a new password. First, you have to enter the email address of your account, then you will be prompted a link to change your password. Now, enter and a confirm a new valid password1.
When signin up an account, you have to enter a vaild email address and valid password1 (and confirm it by typing it a second time).
Next you will be prompted a confirmation screen where you simply have to click the link to confirm the creation of your account.
Once you are logging you have to choose or create a profile (mandatory for the first connection) in order to access the applications' content.
Once you choose a profile, you can modify the information regarding your profile (in the "Profil" section of the application) like first name, name, gender, ...
Each profile has its own favorite and watched shows which you can view in the "Accueil" section. You can create up to 4 profiles.
You can choose any series you want from the catalog in the "Catalogue" section and watch them. if you click on a show, you can see the description of it and a list of all the episodes. To watch an episode, simply click on it.
After watching an episode, you can leave a comment and rate what you just watched.
Moreover, you can see the average mark given to the episode and all the comments left by other users by clicking the "acceder aux commentaires" button in the serie menu.
To easily navigate series, you can search a show by key word which will be researched in the description or title of a show.
You can also filter results by genre, title, year or average mark.
The project was build by Rémi Perrier, Yann Mijatovic, Théo Pinchon, Naël Guenfoudi and Thomas De Kersabiec