- Web application "Job Aggregator" in Java for parsing vacancies from the specified site.
- Reads all Java vacancies and writes to the database.
- System starts on schedule. The start period is specified in the settings - app.properties.
- The first site will career.habr.com. It has a vacancies section.
- REST API access to the interface.
- Add new sites without changing the code.
- Parallel site parsing.
+ Java 17;
+ Maven 4.0;
+ PostgreSQL 14;
+ Liquibase;
+ Log4j;
+ JaCoCo
+ Checkstyle
- Install PostgreSQL: login - postgres, password - password;
- Create database schema;
- Build the project and run the application
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ru.job4j.grabber.Grabber"
- Get vacancies list http://localhost:9000/
- email: oywayten+git@gmail.com
- telegram: @VitaliyJVM