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$_GLOBAL list

Tor Soya edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

These variable are automaticly set in this file.

$_GLOBAL['NAME'] Value Type Used for
g_header_image String Filename for header-image.
g_max_seats_selection Integer Maximum amount of seats that can be chosen on a seatmap.
g_MOTD String Message of the day.
g_results_per_page Integer How many result should be displayed on page with a lot of results. Such as a news archive.
MembershipPrice Integer The price for a membership.
MembershipPriceDiscountmonth Integer Month of which the membership-discount starts.
OneAllActive Boolean If OneAll, for some reason, is down, used fall-back login.
SendMailFrom E-mail Which e-mail should emails be sent from.
ChallongeApiKey String API key used for
ChallongeSubDomain String Key for a community
EventID Integer Ease of access to the current Event ID
EventName String Ease of access to the current Event Name
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