R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures composed of a DNA:RNA hybrid strand and a single-stranded DNA. R-loops are widespread in different species and participate in a variety of biological processes. The ssDRIP-seq technology developed in our laboratory can efficiently and strand-specifically detect the whole genome R-loops and was widely used in multiple species. Here, we develop a prediction tool deepRloopPre based on deep learning from the ssDRIP-seq data, which could predict the locations and profiles of strand-specific genome-wide R-loops. The deepRloopPre is only dependent on DNA sequences and its performance is better than other R-loop prediction tools.
deepRloopPre contains the following files:
(main executable script for predicting R-loop)deepRloopData.py
(main executable script for getting your own training set)deepRloopTrain.py
(main executable script for training your own model)deepRloopEval.py
(main executable script for evaluating model)
In addition, we also provide a online tool, but only one sequence of 128kb can be predicted at a time.
Create a new environment:
$ conda create -n deepRloopPre python=3.7
Install deepRloopPre:
$ conda activate deepRloopPre
$ git clone https://github.com/PEHGP/deepRloopPre
$ cd deepRloopPre
$ conda env update -n deepRloopPre -f ml.yaml
$ python setup.py install
$ deepRloopPredict.py --h5 Arabidopsis_thaliana.hdf5 --fasta your_genome.fasta --prefix test
You can download the trained model here.
Getting the deepRloopData.py
input file test_drip.bdg
parameter needs to be set to your own.
$ bamCoverage -v -p 30 -b test_fwd.bam -o test_drip.bdg --binSize 1 --effectiveGenomeSize 2131846805 --normalizeUsing RPGC --outFileFormat bedgraph
Getting the deepRloopData.py
input file test_qpois.bdg
parameter needs to be set to your own.
$ macs2 callpeak -f BAMPE --trackline -B -t test_fwd.bam -g 2131846805 -n test_fwd --keep-dup all
$ macs2 bdgcmp -t test_fwd_treat_pileup.bdg -c test_fwd_control_lambda.bdg -m qpois --o-prefix test
Getting the training data.
$ deepRloopData.py --fasta genome.fasta --drip test_drip.bdg --qpois test_qpois.bdg --prefix test
$ deepRloopTrain.py --npz dataset.npz --prefix test
$ deepRloopPredict.py --h5 your_model.hdf5 --fasta your_genome.fasta --prefix test
$ deepRloopEval.py getvalue --truepeak observed_peaks.bed --predpeak test_final_predict.bed --truebw observed_drip.bw --predbw test_predict.bw --prefix test
$ deepRloopEval.py plotpr --truepeak observed_peaks.bed --predpeak test_all_predict.bed --prefix test
$ deepRloopPredict.py -h
usage: $ deepRloopPredict.py --h5 model.hdf5 --fasta genome.fasta --prefix test
A tool for predicting R-loop profiles and R-loop locations.
Required arguments:
--h5 H5 Saved model (default: None)
--fasta FASTA FASTA format file, usually a genome FASTA file. (default: None)
--prefix PREFIX
Optional arguments:
--help, -h show this help message and exit
--chromsize CHROMESIZE
If this file is not provided, all the sequences in FASTA file will be predicted. If this file is provided, only the sequences
contained in this file will be predicted. chrom_size.txt file has two columns separated by tabs. The first column is the sequence name
and the second column is the sequence length. (default: None)
--strand {fwd,rev} fwd:Predict current sequence. rev:Predict the reverse complement sequence. (default: fwd)
--threshold THRESHOLD
The threshold score is used to judge whether an region is an R-loop region, the value range is from 0 to 1. (default: 0.5)
--mem {high,low} low option can reduce memory, but the program will run slower. (default: high)
--version show program's version number and exit
chrom_size.txt file has two columns separated by tabs. The file format is as follows:
Chr1 30427671
Chr2 19698289
Chr3 23459830
Chr4 18585056
Chr5 26975502
Prefix is set to test and the deepRloopPredict.py
output as follows:
R-loop profile prediction results of bigWig formattest_predict.bdg
R-loop profile prediction results of bedGraph formattest_predict.bed
original R-loop location prediction results of bed formattest_final_predict.bed
final R-loop location prediction results of bed format. Merging R-loop region with a distance of less than 300bp and then deleting region with a distance of less than 100bp.
$ deepRloopData.py -h
usage: $ deepRloopData.py --fasta genome.fasta --drip test_drip.bdg --qpois test_qpois.bdg --prefix test
format the data for training.
Required arguments:
--fasta FASTA FASTA format file, usually a genome FASTA file. (default: None)
--drip DRIP R-loop profiles in bdg format obtained from ssDRIP-seq. (default: None)
--qpois QPOIS -np.log10(qvalue) in bdg format obtained from macs2. (default: None)
--prefix PREFIX
Optional arguments:
--help, -h show this help message and exit
--chromsize CHROMESIZE
If this file is not provided, all the sequences in FASTA file will be formated. If this file is provided, only the sequences
contained in this file will be formated. chrom_size file has two columns separated by tabs. The first column is the sequence name
and the second column is the sequence length. (default: None)
--strand {fwd,rev} fwd:format current sequence. rev:format the reverse complement sequence. (default: fwd)
--logq QSCORE The threshold score (-np.log10(qvalue)) is used to judge whether an region is an R-loop region. (default: 2)
--chrlist CHRLIST [CHRLIST ...]
A list of space-delimited sequence names containing those sequence that should be used as validation set. If this parameter is not
provided, 20% of the data in the training set will be randomly selected as the validation set. (default: None)
--version show program's version number and exit
The deepRloopData.py input test_drip.bdg
can be obtained from BAM file:
$ bamCoverage -v -p 30 -b test_fwd.bam -o test_drip.bdg --binSize 1 --effectiveGenomeSize 2131846805 --normalizeUsing RPGC --outFileFormat bedgraph
parameter needs to be set to your own.
BAM needs to be obtained by aligning raw data to the genome.If you use ssDRIP-seq, you can refer to this wiki.
Of course, you can also generate test_drip.bdg
based on the bedGraph format by yourself.
The deepRloopData.py input test_qpois.bdg
can be obtained as follows:
$ macs2 callpeak -f BAMPE --trackline -B -t test_fwd.bam -g 2131846805 -n test_fwd --keep-dup all
$ macs2 bdgcmp -t test_fwd_treat_pileup.bdg -c test_fwd_control_lambda.bdg -m qpois --o-prefix test
means genome size and needs to be set to your own.
means format of tag file and needs to be set to your own. If it is BAM for paired-end reads, BAMPE is used.
Prefix is set to test and the deepRloopData.py
output is test.npz
$ deepRloopTrain.py -h
usage: $ deepRloopTrain.py --npz dataset.npz --prefix test
Building your own deepRloopPre model.
Required arguments:
--npz NPZ Training set in npz format. (default: None)
--prefix PREFIX
Optional arguments:
--help, -h show this help message and exit
--epoch EPOCH Epoch (default: 1000)
--bs BATCHSIZE batch size (default: 20)
--h5 H5 regression h5 model for transfer training of classification (default: None)
--version show program's version number and exit
The input dataset.npz
can be obtained from deepRloopData.py
The output is a series of files in hdf5 format, among which the newly generated hdf5 file is the final trained model.
$ deepRloopEval.py -h
usage: deepRloopEval.py [-h] [--version] ...
Evaluation of prediction results.This program can output F1-score, Precision, Recall for R-loop location and Spearman for R-loop abundance or draw a precision-recall curve.
A detailed sub-commands help is available by typing:
deepRloopEval.py getvalue -h
deepRloopEval.py plotpr -h
deepRloopEval.py plotpeak -h
deepRloopEval.py plotgene -h
deepRloopEval.py plotcorr -h
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
getvalue getting the F1-score, Precision, Recall, Jaccard, AP, Spearman.
plotpr plot precision-recall curve for many samples.
plotpeak plot R-loop peak region metaplot.
plotgene plot sense/antisense metaplot or region metaplot.
plotcorr plot observed and predicted sense/antisense correlation.
example usage:
deepRloopEval.py getvalue --truepeak observed_peaks.bed --predpeak predicted_peaks.bed --prefix test
deepRloopEval.py plotpr --target target --prefix test
deepRloopEval.py plotpeak --truepeak observed_peaks.bed --predpeak predicted_all.bed --truebw true.bw --predbw pred.bw --prefix test
deepRloopEval.py plotgene --genebed gene.bed --truefwdbw truefwd.bw --truerevbw truerev.bw --predfwdbw predfwd.bw --predrevbw predrev.bw --prefix test
deepRloopEval.py plotcorr --genebed gene.bed --truefwdbw truefwd.bw --truerevbw truerev.bw --predfwdbw predfwd.bw --predrevbw predrev.bw --genebody --tssextend 300 --ttsextend 300 --prefix test
The observed_peaks.bed
is true R-loop locations.
The predicted_peaks.bed
is predicted R-loop locations.
can calculate the spearman of the R-loop profiles, and you need to use --truebw
and --predbw
Li, K., Wu, Z., Zhou, J., Xu, W., Li, L., Liu, C., Li, W., Zhang, C., & Sun, Q. (2022). R-loopAtlas: An integrated R-loop resource from 254 plant species sustained by a deep-learning-based tool. Molecular plant, S1674-2052(22)00447-6.