A clock application for the terminal.
Usage: termclock [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
clock Use as a clock
complete Print shell auto completions for the specified shell
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-c, --color <COLOR> The color of the clock numbers [default: green]
-:, --color-delimiter <COLOR> The color of the delimiter ':' between numbers [default: green]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: termclock clock [OPTIONS]
-r, --rainbow-mode Whether to use a rainbow effect for the clock. Will override the color options
-f, --scale <SCALE> The scale of the clock. Automatically adjusted to fit the terminal size if not set
-c, --color <COLOR> The color of the clock numbers [default: green]
-s, --with-seconds Do not show seconds
-1, --one-position <POSITION> The position of the number one in the clock to display [default: right] [possible values: left, middle, right]
-:, --color-delimiter <COLOR> The color of the delimiter ':' between numbers [default: green]
-d, --with-date Whether to display date
-F, --date-format <FORMAT> The format of the date [default: "%Y/%m/%d %A"]
-S, --screensaver Screensaver mode, quit on any key
-h, --help Print help